Playdate With Makis Baby

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Kokichis pov

I was sitting in the living room relaxing when I heard a loud knock on the door.

I opened it to see maki holding her one year old son mako in her arms. She and kaito had a child together and maki was very insistant that mako stays their only child. I could understand. Pregnancy is no picnic!

"maki it's so good to see you" I smiled at her "why don't you come in for some tea. The boys can play together in the playpen"

"that sounds wonderful thank you" maki smiled as she put mako in the playpen with kota. The two boys giggled happily together.

We went into the kitchen together.. Maki sat down while I made some tea. Once the tea was brewed I put a cup down in front of her and took a seat.

"it's crazy that we're able to sit with each other like this. I remember how back at school we'd tear each other apart" I chuckled.

"more like I tore you apart little man" maki smirked.

"whatever! It's not a debate" I pouted.

"you are right thought" she smiled "you and me could never stand each other. It's funny what growing up can do to a person"

"yeah and now we're married to two gentle giants and have beautiful sons so I think we've done pretty well for ourselves." I said holding my cup up.

"I'd drink to that" she said raising her cup. We clinked glasses and finished our tea.

It sure does feel good being a grown up!

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