Prepping the Stage

Start from the beginning

"Not a huge difference. It's not like we're foolishly comparing muggle and magical schools." Brian chuckled at the thought of comparing such drastically different entities. There may be connections, but only enough so it's easier to blend in with muggles. Magical schools still need their own thing. "Weekends should be ok if they don't overlap with the full moons. I have a couple clubs that have activities during those times. Plus, if I get my school involved I want my creature students to watch too."

Lucius choked on a laugh, "The Minister said this was a means of opening minds and catching Dumbledore, not a mission to give magical Britain a collective heart attack." He said before looking at Narcissa. "This will take some time especially with the rest of the Board of Education. Can you handle the lawsuits?"

"Oh, Lucius," the witch smiled with an eager glint in her eye. "You know I would love to."

Cornelius nodded, feeling much more relieved, "Ok ... I'll get in contact with Durmstrang and Beauxbatons once the Board of Education allows the Tournament. I'm hoping to convince them to allow teams for each school so Dumbledore can't just jump a contestant. I hope the other schools will agree even though it's a bit into the school year already."

"You could always use the betrayal of Dumbledore as an excuse. It did shake up a lot of people." Narcissa suggested.

Severus hummed in thought, "Right. A reason to get the students' mind on something else so to speak. The only problem I have is the safety of the Forbidden Forest. With a surge of students we need to get that cleaned up." He commented reminding everyone of the acromantula infestation. "It's great that there's a team making sure the acromantulas don't attack, but it's a little unnerving for the students."

"I just got a text from that division. They found some large creatures to help round them up. It should be starting at curfew and be all done tonight while the students sleep." Cornelius said cheerfully despite the rest of the news from today. He raised an eyebrow when Severus rolled his eyes. "What?"

Severus scoffed, "Not all the students stay in their beds. I should go and tell Minerva about my sudden promotion. They should be having dinner soon so it'd be a good time to announce it."

"Dinner?" Cornelius immediately looked at the clock and looked quite surprised at the time. "Oh how foolish of me. I shouldn't keep three students away from dinner! Go on and I'll keep you all updated."


"Dear Merlin, I think I'm at my limit." Minerva said as she plopped the feathered quill into the ink pot and massaged her temples in a desperate attempt to ease her stress. It hasn't been easy dealing with the changes and handling the headmistress duties as well as her usual duties that come with her own position as deputy headmistress. "What is it?" She asked before immediately realizing that she sounded way too harsh. She took a deep breath to calm down. "Come in, I was doing some grading." She said, trying to sound like she'd bite someone's head off.

"I was worried for a minute." Minerva's head shot over to see Severus stepping into the headmistress', formally Dumbledore's, office. "You will be happy to know that I was asked, by the minister personally, to take the headmaster position-"

"Oh thank Merlin!" Minerva exclaimed and nearly jumped out of the chair. "There's so much to do I couldn't possibly do it on my own. It was made worse by the fact," Minerva clenched her jaw as she tried to force the distasteful word out. "Dumbledore has been using illegal means of getting money for nearly everything in the school. Now one big issue is finding a money source to sustain the school among many other things and ... and it's good to see you again."

Severus smiled as the witch hugged him, "Glad to see you haven't changed." He said though it wasn't for the reason Minerva might think. The wizard was already taking everything she said and did into account. It was what Severus had to do in order to make sure Minerva was Minerva.

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