The Dueling Club

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Rosabella's Point of View:

I expected to get into trouble for hexing Lockhart but apparently he's taken credit and boasting that he thought me that spell and I simply wanted to show him my progress. I lost it at the point. Most people would probably be happy about getting out of trouble but my ambition this year is just to expose him as a fraud. The next morning when most of the school was eating breakfast I stormed in.

"Yeah, you're a great teacher, Professor Lockhart. Why don't we show everyone the other spells you taught me." I said, my voice dripping with sarcasm.

"This will be good." I heard Seamus Finnigan mutter to Dean as they both watched me eagerly.

"I - I think yesterday's demonstrations was good enough." Lockhart nervously but doing his best to flash his bright smile.

"But I'm sure everyone here would want to see? Wouldn't you?" I said to everyone in the Great Hall and they all cheered in response.

"Well - I - I don't think -" Professor Lockhart stammered.

"What's the matter, Gilderoy? Surely you want to show everyone how well you've taught your student?" Professor McGonagall said, fighting a smile.

"Well - I - yes, of course." Lockhart said and reluctantly got to his feet.

The Great Hall clapped and some of the teachers watched just as eagerly as the students. I noticed Hermione giving me a very angry look. Ron was cheering me on along with pretty much every boy in the school. Will and Ben were hooting and Fiona was cheering for me as well. Lucas looked amused but was trying to hide it. Michael was cheering along with Jason, Jacob, Fred, George and Lee.

I drew my wand and pointed it at Lockhart as he came to stand opposite me. He fumbled for his wand and I didn't strike intill he had his wand pointing at me.

"Tarantallegra!" I yelled.

Lockhart tried to block it.


He then began to dance uncontrollably.
Laughter echoed of the walls of the Great Hall.

"Rictusempra!" I then yelled and Lockhart was now being ferociously tickled by the spell as well as his feet still moved in a dancing fashion.

He had tried to block the spell but failed.

"Furnunculus!" I yelled and boils appeared all over his hands and face.

The boys cheered and the girls were shocked and glaring at me as if I'd murdered their pet. Some teachers were seriously fighting laughter and were drinking out their goblets to smother their laughter. Even Snspe seemed more pleasant then usual. As the tickling and dancing spells wore off Lockhart felt his face and screamed bloody murder.

"Incarcarous!" I yelled and robes tied him up.

"Yes, yes, yes. Taught her very well didn't I?" Lockhart said, wheezing.

"Petrificus Totalus!" I yelled and Lockhart's legs and arms stuck to his body and he lay still snd, mercifully, quiet.

"I believe that's quite enough now, Miss Black." Dumbledore said.

I put my wand away and the boys cheered while Hermione looked beyond outraged. My brothers cheered louder then anyone.

Jason and Jacob stood on the table to address the Great Hall.

"We present, the demon child." They said in unison and most of the Great Hall laughed.

"In case any of you don't understand sarcasm, he didn't teach me any of those spells." I said and then grabbed a stack of toast and left the HlFreat Hall leaving many people cheering behind me.

Ron and Hermione followed me.

"BRILLIANT!" Ron exclaimed, grinning broadly at me.

"I - CAN'T - BELIEVE - YOU!" Hermione yelled in a tight voice.

"He's a fraud Hermione. He just got his arse handed to him by a second year." I said calmly.

"Maybe he didn't want to hurt you? How about that?" Hermione said angrily.

"Hermione, he couldn't even block Ro's spells. He's pathetic." Ron said.

"No, he's not -" Hermione started to protest.

"You're blinded by his overly pretty face like most of the other females in this school." I said and Ron sniggered.

Rosabella Black|Daughter of Sirius Black|(Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now