"How are we going to go all over Hogwarts?" You asked, sighing, as you went down the ladder. "We can't even apparate."

"Fine, we'll go to all the important places then," Charlie acknowledged, grabbing your hand again as he rushed down the stairs. Your heart raced, terrified you'd trip as you went down the spiral of stairs. "Hagrid's hut and the forbidden forest," he listed out. He looked back at you, still dashing down the stairs, with a bright smile. The rate your heart was going made you feel like you would explode. "Those are all our important places after all."

You squeezed his hand as the both of you got to the bottom of the stairs, a little out of breath. The hallways were practically empty. The 7th years were given a few hours to roam around the school once everyone else had left. Hagrid was the only one on school grounds, waiting for everyone at the lake.

Once you'd caught your breath, you ruffled Charlie's hair. "Race you to the forest." He looked surprised for the second you saw his reaction, before you ran off in the opposite direction.

Charlie laughed loudly. "7 years at Hogwarts and you still don't know the directions?!"

You stopped, shocked for a second before seeing the red haired git run past you in the direction you were going. "That's just dirty Weasley!"

You laughed alongside the red head, remembering the activities you and your friends would get to in the forest you strode in. They were quite reckless, and totally not what children your age should have been doing.

"You know what I realized?" You asked Charlie as he ducked to avoid branches, casually walking alongside you. He looked at you expectantly. "We never dated."

Charlie paused for a second, narrowing his eyes at you. "I mean... yeah."

You took another second to realize what he meant. "Oh no! Not us!" The heat really did reach your face this time. You felt like you were sweating buckets. "I meant... just anyone. We never really dated. I feel like I missed out a whole part in the Hogwarts experience, you know?"

Charlie chuckled awkwardly. "I talked about dragons too much, didn't I? I probably scared off a bunch of ladies."

"No way, you're looks make up for it," you joked, although you spoke half truth. His looks did make up for it. But there was no way he didn't talk about dragons too much. Other than quidditch, it was all he spoke of. "Now, I promised her I wouldn't tell you but..." You lowered your voice, as if anyone was here to listen in. "Penny fancied you for a bit."

Charlie's eyes went wide and his ears tipped red. "Seriously? You're joking..."

You shook your head, grinning. It was hard to keep it up though. "It was in second year, before I knew you. We saw you playing quidditch and she built up a bit of a crush on you for a bit."

Charlie's confidence seemed to boost. He wiggled his eyebrows at you, unflatteringly. You laughed to yourself, knowing what he was about to say. "You wouldn't say... By any chance, have you ever fancied me?"

You turned your head to oppose his question, but his face was right in front of yours. It was right there, your noses practically touched. "I'm- uh"- Charlie took a step back, laughing.

He apologized in the middle of his fit while you looked at him confused, and hot in the face. "Sorry, sorry, really sorry. Tonks just told me to try that, see how you'd feel. I wish I got a picture."

"How I feel?" You repeated, questioning the wording of the sentence.

Charlie shook his head, the redness in his ears before going to his face. "Like, how you'd react," he lied, horribly might you add.

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