Her face.

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When mat woke up he was lying in the snow, his vision was a deep black, but it gradually made out a face. As his vision cleared, he was shocked at the thing that was looking at him. At first he saw beauty, but then he remembered what had happened before he had fallen unconscious... he struck out and tried to scream but her hand quickly covered his face and pinned him down. "Oh mat... am I really that scary to you? That's not how you treat your children mat." Mathew quickly stopped squirming and stared in disbelief. Her face was definitely female, but it resembled a wolf. The eyes, the fur, everything resembled a wolf except for the way she stood on two legs. She had leather armor on her body, and a silk cloak that had covered her face before. The wolf girl then said: "Yes mat, you heard me, now if you want me to let you talk, you're going to have to calm down ok? Promise?" Mat nodded twice and sure enough, she let go and he sat up staring into her green emerald eyes. "My name is Lia, you created me and my family, and everything else I know in my world beyond the gate." "I don't remember creating you Lia... besides this is just a dream. Tomorrow I'm going to wake up to my everyday nightmare, and this dream won't matter by then." "You can't keep telling yourself that mat..." "BUT I MEAN IT!!! Listen... I want to believe your real and all, but a miracle as good as you doesn't exist... especially for someone like me..." Lia then looked into his eyes deeply put her paw like hand on his shoulder and said: "You can tell yourself anything you like mat, but please don't forget why you created me." "Why did I create you?!" "Oh Mathew... maybe you should ask yourself that question..." "No... no more riddles... not now Lia... give it to me straight... please..." "Mathew, you made me because you feel lonely, you don't remember me because you made me in the back of your mind. I'm the friend you never had." "I have friends..." "We both know that's not true mat, sure they're nice people but when have they actually stuck up for you when you were bullied? Where were they mat? We both know they're too busy caring for themselves to care about you. And even if they did, they would not be able to help you..." Mat asked: "and you can?" "Yes Mathew," Lia replied, "I can take you home."

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