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My Pov

Days passed with Saiko trying to, for now, win Saiki trust, Saiki ignoring and avoiding Saiko, Teruhashi just being a jealous bitch in every Fanfiction so even in this Fanfiction.

Saiko Pov

It has been 9 days 3 hours and 25 seconds and Saiki's still doesn't want to have nothing to do with me.

I need to do something but I can't make him know that it's my fault or he'll be even more suspicious about me.
I KNOW (I was gonna write "EUREKA")!! I can be friends with some of his friends like Kaido, Kuboyasu and Nendo! Then they'll make me stay with them and I'll be with Saiki!

I'm a genius! I just need to know what they like and I win! Let me just make a call and I can return to class since recess is almost over.

Saiki Pov

9 days. 9 days since Saiko entered school and since he started annoying me! Yare yare this time I don't know what to do, he's more complicated than Nendo and I can't read his thoughts so he's too dangerous to stay.

I need to know how to avoid him but how?! He's everywhere! He's worse than Teruhashi! Yare yare I need to calm down and just think about how to solve this but I can't go back in time or I'll change something that could destroy the timeline now.

I just need to be calm and think of a plan because we are calm like the wind (....omfg I'm so sorry but I watched a video about this and in my mind this phrase "Like the wind" is not gonna leave my mind anytime soon)

Let's skip to two weeks later ok? Ok

My Pov

Two weeks passed, Saiko plan was going really well because Saiki's friends were idiots and he just pushed the right buttons and BUM! Now Saiko is in the same friends group of Saiki

Let's see how is going on with our two little friends

Saiko's Pov

My plan is working! I'm in the same group of friends as Saiki! Who would have thought that it would be so simple? (Me, your welcome bitch)

Well now it seems like Saiki is starting to trust me but not completely by saying to me that he has psychics powers but trusting me that we can hang out

But it's ok, because even if he doesn't want to, he'll be mine no matter what, even if I have someone to create a drug to make him completely in my command

I just need to make sure that he's not going to leave me and I can't make a wrong move like corner him or asking to date like Teruhashi is doing, I'll just stay friends and never leave him alone at school like his friends do

Saiki's Pov

Two weeks! And now he's friends with Kaido, Kuboyasu and Nendo! Now he's going to bother me even more!

Yare yare I need to do something but I can't just do something strange or the others might ask and without a single reason they might just don't trust me.

Ok well I'll just ignore him like I ignore everyone and maybe he'll give up but I don't know because he's unpredictable like Nendo.

Let's just hope that he'll stop bothering me soon.

My Pov

So both has a plan and let's just see who'll win, Saiki or Saiko?

We'll see

Ok on the story again-

Saiko was walking to the cafeteria with Kaido, Kuboyasu, Nendo and Saiki, and they were talking about what to do after school and Saiko suggested "You all can come to my house for a sleepover this weekend if you want so we can do everything we suggested now" and all of the group (not Saiki but he was gonna be dragged there) agreed.

Saiko Pov

Yes! Now Saiki can see me being perfect and he can start trusting me!

I just need to do a few adjustments in my house and they all gonna be puppets controlled by me.

I'll talk to Saiki's brother so he can tell me how to get him to trust me even without food or things.

That's Rich (Saiki X Saiko)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon