"Oh A-Xian! You're up!" Yan Li exclaimed and came to take a peep at her niece and nephew. She stood there staring at the baby causing Wei Ying to smile and hand over his sleeping son to her.

Yan Li happily took hold of her nephew and cuddled him into her chest with a sigh of contentment. There is absolutely nothing in the world that makes you feel as good as when you are holding a baby (Not a screaming one!).

Jiang Cheng rushed to Wang Ji and stared expectantly at him. Wang Ji merely frowned in response.

"Come on, Lan Wang Ji, this Shu Shu wants to hold his niece!" he forced out, in response to the latter's oblivious look.

Wang Ji looked like he would rather hold his own daughter than hand her over to Jiang Cheng but one sharp nudge from Wei Ying made him pass their Lan Qing to her Shu Shu.

No sane woman or man out there would let go of Sandu Shengshou, if they ever saw him with a baby. He held her like she was the most precious little thing in the world, not a hint of anger or frown on his face.

"Have you guys come up with a name for our son?" asked Wei Ying, suddenly remembering that his son was still nameless.

"Yes, we have," spoke Lan Xi Chen, appearing by Yan Li's side. He carefully took his little nephew from his fiancée's arms and stared at the sleeping munchkin. "Lan Yan," he whispered. "Lan Shi Yun will be his courtesy name. Shi as in honest and Yun as in just and fair. I'll write down his name and give it to you later."

"Lan Yan. A-Yan," repeated Wei Ying, testing the sound of it in his mouth. "Thank you Xi Chen Ge. It's a wonderful name!" He turned to Yan Li. "Has Jin Ling been informed about the arrival of the babies?"

"A-Cheng has sent a message butterfly. We haven't received any reply yet," Yan Li replied.

Healer Wang peeped into the room through the wide open door and walked in.

"How are you feeling now?" she asked Wei Ying, satisfied to see that he was still in bed.

"Better. Sore but much better," he replied.

She checked the site of surgery and after making sure that there was no infection, she redressed the wound.

"Now, Wei Wuxian, I know that you are excited to play with your little ones but you will have to take really good care of yourself until this wound heals. It should be gone in a month. I'll give you a salve to promote healing. Until then, no strenuous activities," she said sternly. "Nothing at all," she added, trying to convey her hidden meaning.

He stared at her blankly until he understood the point that she was trying to make. "Oh for God's sake, woman! Of course we won't do that," Wei Ying exclaimed, horrified by her implication. "I can barely move right now. And do you really think we are sex crazed or something?"

The looks that he received from everyone in the room gave him the answer. "Okay, fine. We might be sex crazed but I still can't move," he replied, resigned.

Wang Ji was turning various shades of red at this point. He was barely coming out of his shell, getting better at expressing his love and now he was being put on the spot for his sex life. And in the presence of his children! Great. Just great!

Healer Wang turned to the babies. "Okay now, give me those little ones." She cooed at the babies as she held both of them in an arm each, shocking Wang Ji.

Wang Ji was immediately next to her. "You can hold them both at the same time?! How are you doing that? Show me!" He had spent the entire night alternating between the two children only to find out that he could hold them both. 'There's just so much to learn,' he thought.

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