Chapter 9...Farewell

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(You know what this means)

It's always been said that...Humans can make the impossible many cases...that holds true...

A man a white Doctor's coat looked down at his patient...with a soft sigh...he softly whispered his apologies to the unconscious male before walking out the room...almost immediately, two females bombarded him with questions...

His only Answer...was silence...

Abii and Savanna's eyes slowly widen from shock and couldn't be...h-he couldn't be...not him...please god, not him...

"I'm terribly sorry...His spinal injuries were bad before from previous records...but now...especially when it wasn't treated sooner...there's nothing we can do...If you wish...You can say your goodbyes now...Such a waste...this young man had his whole life ahead of him..."

The man averted his gaze from them, not bearing to look them in the eyes as he walked on...leaving the two shaking females...

The girls slowly took steps into the if the slightest noise could harm their best friend any further...he looked so if all that pain he had was now gone...

"It's all my fault...I couldn't get to him in time..." Savanna softly whispered to herself, her fist clenching as tears start escaping her eyes, Abii quickly took her hand into her own

"D-don't say that...It wasn't just your fault...I'm to blame too...this whole thing started because...because of me...because of us..."

The girls slowly looked at each other...they remembered what he said...he wanted to feel what they felt...he wanted to feel with them...instead...they only added to his already heavy burden...

"Abii...This isn't going to work...I...I just can't anymore...I can't...not without him..." Savanna softly whimpered...Abii looked at her...before pulling her into a tight hug

"I-I know Savanna...I'm so sorry...I'm sorry...We did this to him...w-we shouldn't-"

"H-hey...D-don't tell me y-you're breaking up cause of me...t-that's stupid..."

The girls froze and looked towards the voice...(Y/n) looked back at them...his eyes looking tired and weak, but his genuine...

"(Y/n)..." They couldn't stop their tears from falling as they collapsed on their knees, their faces buried on his bed, he could hear their cries and apologies...he merely smiled and raised one hand, very gently resting it on Savanna's head as he raised the other and placed it on Abii's head

The girls froze once more...they slowly looked up at him...the light from the room on if they were seeing...a pure soul...getting ready to leave this world...

"I've known you girls since childhood...and I two will be okay...You both are a force to be reckon with...I know you two will do just fine..."

Savanna quickly stood up

"N-no! We won't be! Not without you! Please don't go! We...I can't think about living my life without you! Who's gonna reassure me when I'm going through something hard?! Who's gonna make me laugh with their puns?! Who's gonna have my back?! It's because of you that I met with Abii! You can't go! You just can't!"

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