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"What did you say your name was?" Hannah asked curiously as she balanced on one foot, slipping her boot on the other foot. The boy who's bed she had just crawled out of looked at her like he was trying to gauge if she was serious for a moment, like he was trying to decided whether he should be offended or not, before he seemed to shrug it off and grin at her charmingly. It had been that smile that had gotten her to have sex with him in the first place. That smile and no small amount of tequila.

"Adam," he grinned, rolling over in his bed and pulling a pack of cigarettes out from under his pillow. He also produced a little bic lighter from somewhere, and lit up. The small area of his dorm room quickly filled with the scent of smoke. In a practiced move he rolled over again and used his free hand to push his window open a little bit, letting out some of the smoke and letting in some cold winter air. Was that supposed to impress her? Goosebumps rose up and down Hannah's back until she pulled her sweater back on.

"Well, Adam, it was nice fucking you, but I gotta go. I have a paper on the wage gap due at eight tomorrow morning and I really want to get a few hours of sleep sometime before now and then." Hannah slid her other boot on, and buttoned her jeans before she snagged her scarf off the back of his desk chair and took three steps over to the door of his room. Honestly, she had been a little weary about coming back to his room with him, there was no way she was screwing him if his roommate was trying to sleep in the bunk above them, but he thankfully was one of those blessed souls who had the room to themselves.

Without further ado, Hannah jerked the door to his room open and stepped through it.

"Good luck!" Adam called before she had a chance to shut the door. Hannah shook her head, a small smile dancing on the corner of her lips as she walked down the hallway to the door of the building. Distantly she fingered her scarf and wondered if she would be able to wear it two days in a row, because she was absolutely certain that Adam had left more than a few marks on her pale neck.


"What does this make, twenty in total?" Hannah's roommate asked as the two of them stood on their small balcony, sipping cheap wine and enjoying the crisp winter air. Or Hannah was enjoying the air at least. Her roommate was perfectly content filling her lungs with smoke, because according to the girl, 'she was living vicariously through Hannah, and she always smoked after sex.'

Honestly, Hannah adored her roommate.

"Nineteen, Julie. Not that it's any of your business," Hannah shrugged, pulling her coat a little tighter around herself. It had begun to snow as she walked back to her own apartment, and Hannah had never been the biggest fan of the cold. Honestly if she had it her way she would have gone to college in Florida where the scariest thing she'd have to deal with were the alligators. But no, none of the schools that far south had accepted her. Instead Hannah had been stuck with the stupid second choice university that was so far north they were practically in Canada.

Julie sucked another lung full of smoke into her lungs and grinned, blowing the smoke past her lips and right into Hannah's face. She was a bit of an ass like that.

"Oh it's absolutely my business sweetie pie. My life's boring as hell since Dave put a ring on it. He's such a catch I hardly think it appropriate to continue cheating on him now that he's made a serious commitment. Think of it this way, your stories help keep me monogamous." Hannah rolled her eyes, and snatched the cigarette out of Julie's hand so she could take a deep drag from it. Smoking wasn't something she did a lot, she absolutely abhorred the taste it left in her mouth, and the scent that clung to her hair after. But there was just something about a good cigarette after some bad sex that made the entire night feel worth it.

"What a way to look at it," Hannah grinned, the smile more her bearing her teeth than anything else. "What would you do if I stopped telling you my little stories? Would you be forced to watch porn to get your kicks like the rest of us?"

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