1. Rain

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Hey guys, this is my very first attempt at consistency. I've written "books" for this app before but I've grown a lot as a writer and a person and think I'm ready to share what I've been working on.

So, without further ado, this is the first chapter of Pellucid.

Please be kind but I would appreciate any feedback you have for me!



"It's raining."

I couldn't tell if Mrs. Buel was happy or upset about the fact. Her voice was so monotonous it was hard to differentiate her emotions though she seems to only have one: bored out of her mind.

Water trickled off of the tree leaves outside of the biology room window. I watched one water droplet fall from leaf to leaf until it eventually hit the ground and the process started all over again. The sprinkle only lasted for a few minutes until it stopped, leaving the ground wet to my dismay. That's my own fault for not asking for a ride.

My attention turned away from the window to scan the classroom full of people packing their things before the bell. I hadn't even noticed how much time had passed, but AP Biology was simply boring and repetitive. When I think Mrs. Buel can't get any more dull, she gives us yet another assignment on apical growth.

Maybe I don't want to study marine biology.

I shifted in my seat as the chatter in the lab increased. My partner was no longer aware of my existence and focused his attention on the manga in his hands.

Parker Bore was a bit of a nerd and everyone knew it. If life were a movie, Parker would be the epitome of those extras they put in fake glasses and suspenders to pose as a dork being stuffed into a locker. Luckily for him life was not a movie and people tend to mind their business when you don't bother anyone. I however had to deal with his lack of participation in class which leaves me with doing most of the work and him getting half of the credit. This may be a controversial topic but I just don't believe Naruto is interesting enough to take your attention away from school for 3 consecutive months.

Maybe I just don't understand the plot entirely.

"Happy Friday, everyone," Mrs. Buel says. Her voice was too low so only the first row could hear her, but she didn't care much due to being occupied by solitaire on her computer.

I mean seriously, how has she not been fired.

I gathered my things on the table in front of me, waiting for the bell to sound off. My spiral notebook was nearly on its deathbed, but I had to make it last until the end of the quarter. It was covered in writings from all the times I found my thoughts drifting in class. Words of encouragement such as eat shit Ethan Stamos and Principal Stevens is too hot to function were written in red pen to get me through long days.

I'm quite the philosophical thinker, if I do say so myself.

The bell finally rang in the middle of me zipping up my backpack.

The library was usually where I spent my Friday evenings. I know it sounds wearisome, but I usually got all of my homework done on Friday nights. I would've had a clear schedule except my history teacher decided to put a surprise essay question about the Nanjing Massacre on the next unit test.

Typical Mr. Addison.

On my way out of class I pulled out my cell to phone my dad. I scrolled through my phone until I saw the tiny photo of him hanging me upside down over my kiddie pool circa 2004. Dad had a buzzed head which was now grown out long enough to hang over his eyes when he didn't style it. He looked bald due to the sun reflecting off of his blonde hair and his eyes were squinting due to a glare, probably off of the camera. I, on the other hand, was halfway into a pool of water. My curly hair was drenched in dirty water and my pregnant mom laughing her ass off in the background. She had her coils in a small afro sporting a sports bra and long, flowy skirt.

Hai finito le parti pubblicate.

⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: May 17, 2021 ⏰

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