According to rumors, during the commercial shoot, the set had been completely cleared. Apart from the director and a few important people, no one knew of the man's identity...

Meanwhile, Yuteng's unobtrusive aura emanated in all directions. His unique aura could be especially seen during the commercial; his every expression, every positioning, and every pose was lively and vivid. He completely encompassed the happiness of a man, winning the support of everyone...

Online, the profile of the mysterious man began to shrink in range. However, one thing was certain, no matter who this man was, his identity could not be simple...


Those at Lin Corp that saw Sam Lin often, vaguely felt the man was him. But, according to his personality, how could he possibly lower his status to help out a model?

So, both the public and Lin Corp were full of discussions, but no one dared to put Sam in the picture.

"Yuteng, there are three talk shows that I feel are worth making an appearance on. Choose one amongst them," Bingwei suggested as he helped Yuteng take screenshots.

"I'll go on Heart Talk ," Yuteng said after taking one glance at the computer monitor.

Bingwei looked at the invite from the show he did not even consider and was a bit surprised, "This talk show is the most transparent and they request their guests to be completely honest. Their questions are extremely difficult; they will definitely ask you about the man in the commercial."

"I'm certain. I will go on Heart Talk ."

Heart Talk was extremely famous in Asia and did not engage in under-the-table operations because they were supported by the nation. So, they did what they wanted without any restraints; this meant, Yuteng has to be honest about everything they ask.

Above all, this program was a good test of an artist's EQ. It had a high viewership, so they requested, upon entering the studio, artists should not dream of getting out of things easily; no matter how difficult the questions, they would have to answer them honestly.

"OK," Bingwei nodded as he thought about how brave Yuteng was.

After hanging up the phone, YU leaned back on the warm chest behind him .

Sam took the opportunity to embrace him and place his lips against his ear. He spoke in a deep voice,

"You're quite brave to go on Heart Talk . What if they ask you if you're married, whether you have a husband and who your husband is? Have you considered how you will answer them?"

YU turned his head and pressed himself closer to Sam, "How do you think I'll answer? Can you guess ?

Sam did not speak, he simply reached out his hand to tuck some hair behind YU's ear.


Heart Talk's interview was organized for the following week, in 4 days time. Because of LM's commercial, Yuteng's job invites were once again increased.

After confirming Heart Talk's appearance time, Yuteng went to a few magazines that were arranged by Bingwei for some interviews. In the evening, YU suddenly received a message from Sam, "Come to Crown Hotel tonight, I have booked a candlelit dinner."

YU glanced at the date on his phone before smiling, "What is it? It's not like today is our wedding anniversary..."

"I want to show you the best view in Taipei "



Upon arriving at Crown Hotel, Sam drove  through the VIP entrance. And he  dragged YU by the hand into the lift.He then took YU to the top of the building - the 101th level.

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