all to me.

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I sat at a table in the cafe down the road from my house, Shoto had texted me that morning asking to meet up for breakfast. Which I had agreed to of course.  I scrolled through my phone checking the time just as he walked in and scanned the room. We locked eyes and he sent me a smile, making his way to the table. He sat across from me.

"Goodmorning (Y/N), you look lovely. Have you ordered yet?" He waved a waitress over.

"Not, yet. I was waiting on you actually."

"I'm sorry to leave you waiting," he winked at me," I'll be sure to be on time from here on out. Deal?"

"Deal" I smiled at him as he gave the waitress our order.

We were making small talk when the door to the cafe swung open I looked up at the sudden action and saw no one other than Bakugo. I rolled my eyes at him and he shot me a glare before stomping off to table at the other side of the cafe. I turned my focus back to Shoto who hadn't stopped his story. Chiming in one in a while so he knew I was paying attention. The waitress finally made her way to our table with our order, she placed the teas in front of us and left off with a smile. 

"I hope you've enjoyed my company (Y/N), I know at times I can come across as cold." Shoto was looking down at his cup as he spoke. "I enjoy being around you (Y/N) he said the last part with a smile. I really did enjoy spending time with Shoto, but I don't think I could ever feel more for Shoto. He was always so caring, but I didn't want calm. I was about to speak when he continued. "I know that you don't feel as strongly for me as I do you. I'm just still trying to wrap my mind around it. How is it that someone so angry and mean can have all your attention? I always thought it was opposites attract but the more I watch you and him it makes sense. You're both the same but different. You guys fit, like some weird puzzle." I just stared at him as he spoke, I could tell who he was talking about, I was starting to see it myself. "One day he will realize what his feelings are, and then you'll both wind up happy together. It's gross and cringe but it's true." He chuckled and stood, ruffling my hair. "See you at work (L/N)-chan." He said with a smile and left the cafe. 

I sat at the booth sipping my tea and processing the conversation Shoto just had with me, seeing how he hardly let me get a word in. I guess he was right, but I just don't get it. Bakugo and I had been friends for all those years, never once did I think he'd had any more feelings for me than he did his other friends. I just assumed we got along better than them. I thought back to all the times he'd held my hand, to all the times we'd spent practicing our quirks together, or having playing video games. I assumed they were all basic friendly gestures. But no, I should have known better, Bakugo despised everyone. He wanted to be above them all, but me. 

"you're my spark"

I looked up and saw that he was still sitting in the same spot as before, sipping his tea and looking out the window. I watched him for a bit, I needed to go and think things over. I wanted to talk to him, to see what he was thinking. Why he was so angry with me? After all these years, he had told me to go? He asked me to leave and never tried to speak to me again. I moved to America with nothing from home to hold onto, because the only person whose approval I wanted, shut me out. 

I sat a few bills on the table reminding myself to text Shoto about leaving me the tab, I chuckled on the way out. Well, I guess it was only fair he had provided lunch on our date the other day. I was walking down the street humming to myself when I heard someone call my name, I facepalmed knowing exactly had decided to follow me. "What's up Katsuiki." I turned facing him, printing a smile on my face. I was mentally convincing myself to not run. 

"Oi, where are you going." He walked closer, hands in his pockets as usual. He stood a few feet away from me. "I'm talking to you!" I cleared my head and chuckled.

"Same ole Bakugo, I'm heading home. What about you? Any hero work to do today?" We were walking now in the direction of my apartment. 

"No. I'm going home too." He kept his eyes forward as I gave him a questioning look. 

"Home is the other way for you though?" 

"Yeah. I know that smartass. I'm walking you home first." He still wouldn't look at me, I could see the faint blush creep over his cheeks. I jerked my head forward and we continued to walk in silence for a while before he spoke up again. "Are you and Icy Hot a thing?" He scrunched his nose up as he said Shoto's nickname.

"No, we're just friends." I didn't look at him either. My heart was skipping beats, this was it. The moment I was going to have to confess to him, I was nervous. I wasn't sure if he still felt the same, what if he didn't miss me as much as I missed him. What if he still only saw me as his friend. I had zoned out again, not hearing what he was saying. He poked my arm and got my attention.

"Are you listening? Or are you deaf?" He scoffed. " I said, why not?" He turned to continue walking but stopped when he noticed I wasn't following. We had already made it. 

"This is my apartment." He looked up at the building then back at me. 

"Okay, but are you going to answer the question?" He crossed his arms over his chest and raised eyebrow at me. 

"I-I just don't feel the same way about him." My eyes were glued to the ground. 

"As who?" I knew he was going to ask. I couldn't bring myself to meet his gaze. "Tch Whatever." He walked past me in the direction we came. I watched him walk down the sidewalk, I couldn't bring myself to speak or ever follow after him. Once he rounded the corner I finally let out a breath I hadn't know I was holding and headed inside my apartment. I stepped into the shower letting the hot water run down through my hair then my back. I should call him? Or text him? I have to explain everything, but I just didn't know exactly what I could say. But I knew the first question would be why he was treating me so weirdly. One moment disgusted by my presence and the next comforting and protective. 

I didn't dream much that night, or that I could remember. I woke up dreading the workday ahead of me. I got ready quickly and made my way to the agency. I got ready as usual and went to the meeting room. Endeavor gave me a dirty look and called me to him. 

"Hydra. Your new agency is expecting you tomorrow. Today will be your last here." I held back the smile daring to cross my face and nodded. I was so happy to be leaving this agency. This was going to give me the distance I needed from Katsuiki to get my own heart and mind figured out. I turned to go take my seat and nearly knocked down the person standing behind me. I looked up and those same vermillion eyes were shooting daggers into mine. He snarled his nose at me then went to take his seat. 

Bakugo didn't look at me once during the meeting, he ignored me during our rounds leaving me on my own at times. The thought of me leaving made him that mad? He was being childish. Throwing a silent temper tantrum. 

"You're My Spark" BakugoxReaderWhere stories live. Discover now