Chapter Nine

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New face.

About a week later, Technoblade and Philza had completely given up on finding Tommy. Instead, they began   to work on plans for the destruction of L'manburg.

Phil began gathering materials for TNT, while Techno secretly collected wither skulls. Ever so often, they would travel to L'manburg, to see what was going on, of course Phil lived there making it easier to see what Tubbo was doing, what the cabinet was hiding.

Phil notified L'manburg of Tommy's disappearance, causing Tubbo to often fly into rage, sadness or worry.


It felt like they had been walking for days on end. According to Dream, they were going to his house. Tommy was just simply following orders. Dreams order's.

Tommy's eyes seemed to glow more neon blue after the incident with Dream.

The snow was slowly faltering away as they entered a plain biome, Tommy was pleased with the change in temperature and weather. There were many forests surrounding them, however Dream completely ignored the many trees.

A thick forest was nearing closer and closer, Tommy noticed that the trunks of the trees were thicker, and a more redish wood colour.

"Where is this" Tommy's voice lowered to a whisper, Dream laughed slightly before pointing through the trees. "You will live here, an old house where original members of the Dream Smp hung out" Dream beckoned Tommy to follow him towards the house.

The building was a large wooden cabin, most of the outer wooden walls were covered with vines, and shrubs. Many of the windows were completely covered in dust. Vines stretched across the roof finally nestling in the red brick chimney.

Dream stepped on the wooden porch and struggled to open the door. Eventually, the door slowly creaked open. An old, musty smell immediately emitted from the cabin.

Tommy's nose snrunched in disgust. Dream sighed before ensuring him that the house would be clean by tomorrow.

Most of the cabin was littered with paper and various other items. The room was small and square, with only one bed tucked in the corner. Little light leaked through the window, the amount of dirt and dust was unbearable.

There was a small glass sliding door at the back of the cabin, there was a small clearing beyond the sliding glass door it seemed like there was a large tree. Tommy could only see the bottom half of the tree house from the front door.

A desk was directly next to the door, it had few colouring pencils and papers, including an old grey game boy placed hazardly on the edge of the desk.

There was a large blue circular carpet in the center of the cabin three pillows. The carpet was clearly moth eaten.

Tommy had no idea how old everything in this cabin was, judging by the gameboy he thought it to be pretty old.

(Just incase you can't visualise)

Dream began picking up old papers and putting them in the drawer of the desk

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Dream began picking up old papers and putting them in the drawer of the desk. Tommy began inspecting the contents of the dresser. Very few old board games, papers, books and a single Polaroid camera were laid waste in the many drawers. By the time Tommy was done inspecting, Dream had already finished putting away the papers.

"Well, I suppose that's all I can do for now, here." Dream tossed Tommy a large roll of paper and a quill.
"You can use this to contact me. It's like the Comhra Leabhar I'll write to you and it will show up on the paper." Dream was about to leave before he stopped by the door. "Oh yeah I forgot, take this" Dream handed Tommy a mask, similar to his, but instead of piercing dots, it had two slits, replacing the large black dots. Allowing Tommy's now neon blue eyes to peek through the slits.

With that, Dream swiftly left.

Tommy was left alone.

No orders, just to sit around.

As soon as Dreams footsteps began trailing away, an intense headache began pounding Tommy's head. The evening light snaking across the floor boards were no help either, it was mocking him. Twisting into unnatural devilish forms.

The rooms smell seemed to be even worse, he could hear crows cawing outside the cabin, the sense of deers running through the wood. Even the boring walls were filled with pops of colour and white lining every time  his headache thumped.

Tommy's senses were heightened even he could come to that conclusion.

Voices echoed from the walls, ghostly whispers filled his ears, the crows cawed madly, the trees swayed loudly.

Even Tommy shifting his weight on the floor was deafening. Suddenly,


Everything was peaceful now. The evening light now lay still on the floorboards.

Tommy decided to open the grimy sliding doors, revealing a small clearing, with a large tree house in the middle.

The tree house was surprisingly sound, the wooden planks did have patches of water damage. Tommy decided to climb the small planks nailed to the tree leading up to the tree house.

There was no door on the tree house, only a ragged blanket swaying in the entrance. Tommy roughly pushed past it into the tree house. It was much smaller than Tommy expected, a small window covered by a yellow curtain.

A single hot pink bean bag laid un-touched in the left corner of the room, a small white fluffy carpet was pushed beneath it.

Tommy noticed an ankle length table on the right wall of the tree house atop it was a photo album, and an open sketchbook. The page was filled with games and sketches of people.

On the front wall, was three shelfs each with its own plant. The second shelf had a small panda plush on it, a small tag was attached to its ear reading ; "Hey pandas! Sorry I couldn't make it to your party! Happy late birthday - BBH" the glossy black left eye laid on the floor.

"Must've fallen off" Tommy muttered to himself.

Like the house, there was a small wooden toy  chest next too the beanbag. Tommy immediately tried to pry it open, but to no avail. There was a small key hole in the center, Tommy lifted up the chest to check underneath it for the key, only to find a note stuck to the bottom.

"Punz I just knew that you would check here, tell George the k.... ey is i....... n"

The rest of the note was damaged by water and old mold.

As the peaceful evening sun began to slowly drift into darkness, Tommy returned back to the musty old house.

He sighed knowing that he would have to sleep in the dirty, damp and cold roll-out bed tonight.

The only thing providing light was an old gas lamp that was laid next to the bed, the old red paint slowly tearing off the metal.

The moonlight rested on the trees, slowly stretching out across the floor as Tommy fell alseep.

Knowing nothing of what Dream had done.

Very sorry-
I accidentally published this earlier
It was a deathly misclick
The story was just left at a few sentences!
I planned to release this on Wednesday
But oh well have it now I suppose

Manipulator - Tommyinnit Exile Arc AU + SBIWhere stories live. Discover now