The invitation

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"How did you manage to drag cat out?" Winn asked it's not like the queen of media would just wonder so far from work especially to a alien bar with her workers. It was true ever since she had been back at CatCo Ms Grant stayed late but of course she had her own superhero close by to ensure that she wasn't completely alone, even if it was just making sure to fly in her Direction every so often to make sure she was safe.

But little did you know Cat had her own suspicion she was guarded.

"I may have used his phone." Kara answered and just then the phone lit up indicating that Cat had both seen the message and replied.

"Kara!" Alex hissed before Kara could lean over and see what the message was.

"She's here!"

"Oh rao!" You jumped spilling the drink down yourself as you see Cat Grant of all people walking into the alien bar where she receives her fair share of glances. Cat didn't seem nervous surrounded by aliens and scanned the room locking her eyes with your wide ones.

"Y/n!" Alex gasped watching you rush back over to the table messily holding a scrunched up single napkin dabbing down on the liquid.

"I'm fine shit shit shit Cat is here?!" You exclaimed watching the older woman weave her way through the busy crowd.

"Kara look what you've done?"

You arch a brow at the words and look down to your sister who's smiling weakly. She had no idea that Cat would be so up for the idea. "You did this?"

"You needed a push"

"Yeah out a window" you stumble away as Cat continues to move people away with her piercing orbs.

"Y/n!" Cat announced her arrival but you were gone before her smile could reach her lips. "Kara. Alex. Where's is he going?" Cat asked with a raised brow finally finding the table only to have y/n dashing away.

"Caaat, wow what a surprise!" Kara awkwardly said seeing her brother dash towards the restrooms. "Oh he's probably going to the toilet."

"Or jumping out the window." Alex whispered under her breath so that only Kara could hear. She sighs and smiles at the somewhat disappointment reaching cats features.

"That's weird."

"Yeah so what are you doing here?" James asked although they all knew why.

"Well I was here to see your bother but it seems I am mistaken I should go." Cat frowned looking back at her phone like she was missing something.

Kara reaches out to take cats arm "No. Stay am sure he'll come back."

"Excuse me but your brother just jumped out the toilets bathroom made is way through a drinks trolley I added the damage to your bill." The barmaid takes the glasses sprawled on the table and glared Karas way.

Cat shakes her head removing Karas light touch from her arm. "I'm sure I can reschedule. Goodbye Kara"

Alex frowns as cat recalled her steps back to the door. "see Kara that's why you don't get involved."


You woke up without the headache which it self was a blessing but your room sure wasn't. You flung the blanket from your body and marched into the living space where everything was much extra. "Oh no, this is not happening." You shook your head like you were in some sort of sick nightmare.

"Surprise!" Kara smiled widely slamming the oven door shut although you should probably remove it far from your sisters reach. She didn't know how to cook and you sure wasn't going to touch anything that she had prepared.

Supergirl's brother. A cat grant x male reader fanfic. Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora