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"Thanks. I don't love it, my apartment in DC is much more me," he sighs "this place is good for the time being." He walks into the kitchen, switching on the lights and leaning into the fridge pulling out ingredients.

"So what were you gonna make?" You say, leaning against the counter. He finishes gathering his ingredients before turning to you, his eyes shining with excitement.

"My co-worker, David Rossi-"

"I read his book!" You interrupt "you worked with him?" Spencer smiles, admiring your excitement.

"Up until I moved down here to teach." Your eyes widen in awe "he's an excellent chef, and his parting gift to me was this amazing Carbonara recipe." You notice as his tongue darts over his bottom lip causing your cheeks to erupt in a bright pink
color. You watch him as he begins to cook, taking in his every movement, he was so fucking beautiful. You're brought out of your trance by Spencer shakily turning around as the creamy sauce simmers on the stove.

"Y/N- erm- Star-" He sounds nervous, like a middle schooler asking someone to a dance "I was wondering if you- uh- would consider this a date- if not I get it, we're just friends- no pressure or anything. I just- I think you like me and if you do I like you too-"

His rambling pushes a bright smile onto your face. He's able to appear so confident and collected but when it really comes down to it, to being honest, he's such a nervous, rambling, beautiful, idiot.
"Spencer I'd love for this to be a date." You reach out and place a comforting hand on his bicep "and I don't usually look at people the way you've caught me looking at you if that answers to your theories." He smiles, letting out a relieved sigh.

Spencer finishes making the pasta, plating it and grabbing some utensils from a drawer. "Wait here-" he says anxiously as he disappears from the kitchen. You peek around the corner to see him frantically searching for something, he finally finds what he's looking for, a vase, delicately picking some flowers from the collection of over grown plants in his living room and putting them in. You quickly scurry back into the kitchen as you hear him close the cabinets and call your name. "Y/N I'm good now-" You walk into the living room, seeing the table laid with the plates and utensils, ivory napkins and navy placemats under them. The vase of mismatched flowers sits in the middle "Uhm... lunch is served?" Spencer says unsure of his own words, he pulls your chair out for you and sits across from you.

"Spence, this looks so fucking good." You place your napkin your lap and take a bite, it is surprisingly good.

"Thanks," he blushes and smiles shyly "how was the rest of your weekend? I forgot to ask this morning." You shrug, lifting a fork full of pasta into your mouth, chewing and swallowing before you answer.

"Good. I slept a lot, decided to read up on the BAU- not in a creepy way- I just want to understand where you're coming from," he grins at the gesture and begins to describe his weekend calling his mother and helping out his team on a case via FaceTime. When you were both done your food you excused yourself to the restroom, fixing your appearance in the mirror. So this a date. A date with Professor Spencer Reid. You smile at the thought. You and Spencer Reid had school yard crushes on each other and it was showing.

"Spencer?" You close the bathroom door behind you, following the sound of running water to the kitchen where Spencer stand over a pile of dishes in the sink, his sleeves are rolled up to his elbows showing off his thin, yet toned arms. He looks up, flashing you a smile "let me help," you insist. He shakes his but you push against him trying to grab a dish, "come on-"

Suddenly you feel his hands on your waist spinning you backwards into the counter, "no." He says looking down at your slightly ajar mouth. He reaches above you retrieving some paper towel from the cabinets, his face lingering inches from yours, a small smirk plastered on his lips. You let him finish his chore without speaking a word, just staring in awe at him.

"I hope I didn't scare you," he says finally wiping his hands on a dish towel. You shake your head, peering into his hazel eyes. "Then why are you being so quiet?"

"Just admiring you in peace." You say softly, your eyes raking up his lanky figure. He smiles, stepping towards you, you stumble back into the counter as he brings his face down to yours.

"Are you okay with this?" He whispers "I don't want to do anything against your will." You manage a nod, finding your thighs growing warm as he closes the gap between you, his lips connecting with yours, pressing forcefully into your skin. Spencer's hands rest on your waist, yours on the back of his neck, curling your fingers in the ends of his hair.

"I've been wanting to do that for a long time." He says when he finally pulls away.

"Oh Spencer you have no idea."

entirely right (professorreidxreader)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz