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"André!" She called, spying her best friend through the thick crowd.

"Tori!" André responded just as eagerly.

He took her outstretched hand and pulled her to him. "Come on. The others are outside."

She kept hold of his hand until they saw their group of friends standing there, waiting for them.

"Hey," Beck raised a hand. His other arm wrapped around Jade.

"I was about to send a swat team after you. Where have you been?"

Tori blushed, knowing her friends were about to rag on her.

"I..." She sighed. "I got lost..."

Robbie began to laugh; they all were.

"And you've gone to this school for how long? Two? Three years?"

"Shut up"

"Whooo!" Cat cheered. "Party tonight!"

"That's right, lil red."

Jade turned to Tori. "You didn't invite your sister... Did you Vega?"

"She stole my phone when Beck texted me about the party..."

He groaned. "Tori..."

"Which is why," Tori smiled. "I gave her the wrong address."

Beck grinned, and he moved away from Jade in favour of his friend.

He grabbed her head and kissed it. "You have no idea how much I love you right now."

"How much do you love her Beck?" Jade demanded, crossing her arms.

"Babe, relax. Just a friend."

"Hey, so!" André jumped in. "I'm still getting you three tonight, right?"

"Yay! I get shotgun!"

"Umm, Cat." Tori touched her best friend's arm.

"If he's picking me up first, that would mean I get shotgun."

"What's that supposed to mean?!" Cat cried. She left, reaching up to hold her cap in place as she ran.

"I was really hoping she would have outgrown that by now."

Robbie shrugged. "I think it's cute."

He shrugged again when they gave him weird looks. "I'll see you guys later."

"Bye." Tori waved at him. She turned to André. "Can I get a ride home?"

"Yeah. Let's go. Later guys."

Jade waited until they were gone before turning to her boyfriend.

"Do you love her Beck?"

Beck sighed and leaned down to press his lips to hers.

There was almost no spark, and he pulled away with a sigh. "Come on babe. I'll take you home."

Tori Vega's house. 7:00 PM.

"Heyyyy," She greeted, climbing into his care.

He rolled his eyes and kissed her on the cheek before pulling out if her driveway.

"Man, this party is gonna be awesome."

Tori watched him, a smile on her face. They had come so far in three short years.

"Ayy girl. If you keep staring at me like that, I might just think you're in love with me."

André laughed. "What's on your mind, Tor?"

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