Jeongin cheerfully said as he hoped off His victim's back who had no other choice then turn around and walk back. Jeongin giving up seem too good to be true, Jeongin simple request of Can you at least drop me off in front of the door?, seem too innocent to be alright.He should had know there was something going the moment the younger requested for him to unlock and open the door. Jisung really walked himself into Jeongin's trap, he knew from the  moment he kicked the door close.

"This is kidnapping"

"And the ransom is Hyung to show up-!"

"So I am being use.." Jisung said bluntly as he reach out to clutch his heart ,will not literally. It was mostly him clutching his chest, acting out as if he was dealing with an extremely painful heartache. Jeongin let out a sigh as he shook his head before reaching out to grabbed the other by his shoulders and gently rock him.

"No no no! Like I said earlier! Hyung isn't the only who missed you!!...I think.. we all missed having you around.." Jeongin started off, his tone getting softer and quieter towards the end. Even his stare had slip away from Jisung's face, which made the other a bit concern over the sudden chance of mood. Though he sees where this is coming from, not only did he stop talking with Minho, He and his father stopped their connections with the Lee family. Their relationship was already kinda off once Jisung and Minho had started dating, well it was mostly between them and Minho's father. It's not like he was against it but it was just extremely awkward around them. Mr.Lee couldn't even stare at Jisung or even be in the same room as him. It honestly broke Jisung's heart, he thought their relationship was in better terms. Maybe he thought wrong.

After Jisung had broken up with Minho, he and his father never bother to reach out to the Lee's again. Thinking that things between them wouldn't be the same anymore. Jisung never once thought of The Lee's waiting for their return, especially to hear Jeongin admitting that he missed him. Is this really the same kid who hold a grudge against him because he took his room, saying he missed him? Though on the other hand, it had finally hit Jeongin, realizing in what he had said. Causing him to panic.

"S-stop Looking at me like that-! I meant it as everyone BUT ME ! I'm so HAPPY to be in my own room again!" Jeongin exclaimed as he started to rock The older back and Ford, slightly picking up the pace. As if he was trying to shake off any possible thoughts Jisung could have." I didn't miss you!"

"I never said anythi-"

"I was just babbling random stuff! OKAY?!"

"Innie it's really fine-"

"I didn't missed you at all, Okay?!"

"But you did, right?"

"yeah-.. WHAT NO-! Stop putting words in my mou-"

"..Jisungie..?" A voice called out, along with the sound of bags hitting the floor. It caught the attention of the duo that were middle of their third argument of the day. Standing by the door way stood no other than Mrs.Lee herself,it seemed like she had just return from the grocery store telling from the countless bags that were resting by her feet. Mrs.Lee had a shocked expression as she brought her hands up to her face. Her eyes were swelling up with tears. Jisung suddenly was the one panicking. But before he could even say or do anything, in a flash he was engulfed into a tight bear hug. Full on startling him at the sudden interaction and how fast it had happen.

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