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"Wh-why do the Elder Gods want to meet with me?" It was hard to find my voice.

Scarlett grins, "that's between you and them. Maybe they decided you were completely wrong for Nethilor, after all, and are going to send you back to wherever you came from."

"You'd like that. Wouldn't you?" I roll my eyes, but somehow doubt that's why they want to speak with me.

I'd like to say that I'd be happy with being sent home now. At least I wouldn't have to face the Ancient One. But Nethilor is full of wonder, Magic and love. I could see why Mildred and the others decided to stay. Magic is harder to find in the real world; it's hidden for those who know where to find it.

The food here is mouth-watering and amazing, the men are better than your average fuckboy back home and the alcohol . . . Oh, God.

Nervousness immediately deflates the hunger in my stomach, and as I arrive last in the meal hall beside Scarlett, Murphy raises his glass to me. "To a strong librarian," he toasts. At least Nethilor must have laws about underage drinking, because he has a soda can in his hands. "And to all that you have accomplished so far. We know you'll accomplish great things."

"To Matilda Unger! May all your wishes come true." Elias toasts to me.

Queen Anastasia toasts, too. After we sip out wine, she says: "this must have been quite the adjustment," and smiles. "After you meet with the Elder Gods, I'd like a word with you as well this evening." I don't miss the glance of annoyance she exchanges with Elias as he mulls over his food, not feeling very talkative tonight.

"Is someone going to show me where to meet with them?" I didn't want to sound too relieved since they weren't going to send me home just yet. I have more things to accomplish here and I want to help them.

"Elias will escort you," Anastasia says knowingly.

"Where's Dresden?" It was impossible not to worry not knowing where he was, or if he made it inside somewhere before sunset. He feared the sunset more than any of us.

"More than likely he stayed with Mildred for the evening," Anastasia said. "I sent him off to do some errands for me today, and he said he had to get away to . . . Clear his head." It sounded as though she chose her words carefully.

I don't miss the way Layla grins at me, then looks quickly down at her food again.

Dinner went too quickly for my liking. Nervousness trickles through my insides like a ticking time bomb, waiting for the right moment to explode and shred me into a million little pieces.

I had to use the bath house for the first time and get cleaned up before my audience with the Elder Gods and Queen Anastasia. I picked out a sleek golden dress that sparkled when it touched upon the light, with its Greek style accessories. With my hair down and makeup over my eyes, I look absolutely deadly.

But Elias thought differently. "You look gorgeous," he compliments me, his cheeks reddening.

Gorgeous isn't what I was going for, but I still smile gratefully. "Thank you," I say. "So, you're my escort to the Elder Gods?"

"I am," At least tonight he's absent of visible bottles, although I could still smell the alcohol on his breath. He even looks a little more cleaned up. "Listen, I need to talk to you about something before my mother gets to you." We stop walking, and he looks like he's been building up the courage to say it. "The battle between you and the Ancient One is only a month or so away; the Elder One's are going to determine a time frame. But my mother? When she calls you into her office, she's going to ask you to stay in Nethilor."

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