"Oh yes that's a good question I should start so ... After you moved to Japan they hadn't seen each other for 1 week, they all wanted to meet, but two of them didn't come it was the boy who was so good in dancing and the one who smoked I think what was their name again? .. "

Everyone was good at dancing, you stupid man, but what did he mean by whoever smoked? None of us smoked? but i think i know who he means.

"Do you mean yoongi and hoseok? .."

"yes yes I always forget the names"

this man is strange my name he knew but he had forgotten their names and when should yoongi smoke please?

, in any case, the two weren't there the boys were annoyed about that they thought it was because of you that they don't came but actually that day yoongi didn't come because his mother died .. "

,, his .. W-what .. "

,, yes and hoseok was the only one who knew that because they were both so tight neighbors.. "

Neighbours? how can it be that so much things had changed in 1 week?

,, yoongi didn't want him to tell anyone, so the two boys weren't there that day, hoseok stayed with yoongi on the days to cheer him up, the boys had completely forgotten about the meeting, but they didn't really care. . ""

I hope it doesn't get any worse

"Hoseok spent a lot of time with yoongi but he had forgotten his own family. After a few weeks yoongi and hoseok wanted to go out , they hadn't thought that anything will happen .."

Oh no what does that mean?

"They met the other 4 boys, they wanted to greet them but they ignored them .." the old man started to tell

The man scares me how did he know all this?

"hey hey hey , why are you guys ignoring us." said yoongi

,, tshh as if you already forgot what you did "said namjoon

"What's your problem .." said yoongi but his voice got a little angry

"hey hey hey yoongi everything's good I think they were mad at us because we weren't there at the meeting" said Hoseok and tried to get him down

"Which meeting ?" asked yoongi

"You are not serious now, are you?" said jimin

"I don't know what's wrong with you, but you guys got really disrespectful " yoongi was getting more and more angry

"hey hey hey look at yoongi just because now jin is gone and he's the oldest now he feels cool tshh" said Taehyung

oh man guys why did you do something like that

"You disrespectful ki--" want yoongi say but then

,, hey hey hey you boys can argue elsewhere you snot kids but not here "said an old woman

"We don't have to ask you to where we're talking or arguing. " said yoongi

"You disrespectful snot brat" said the old woman

,, get yourself back to it just because you are older it doesn't mean that you can talk to us the way you want, should I know just piss off a little child even though it didn't hurt me tshh "said namjoon

,, yes .. So ... Tshh how disrespectful where are your manners your parents couldn't educate you properly "then the old woman left

"She doesn't have all of them yet, what she thinks" said namjoon

"just because she's older," said yoongi

"The boys started laughing," the old man continued

,, hey guys ehm ... we're sorry that was maybe not the right thing from us you probably had your reason "said namjoon

"yes that wasn't right from us, we're sorry" said tae and jimin

"Yes, we're sorry too," said Hoseok

"ok let's do that because we weren't there that day, I'll give you a drink" said yoongi

"ok deal" said everyone

* I don't know if that was the right thing to do, that we started arguing for something like that, maybe it was all good now, but later ... * said jungkook in his mind

"Everyone was very happy and good again, all except Jungkook," said the old man

"What, why, what was the matter with him?" I asked the old man

"Oh yes, right, you didn't know he was one of them one of my chosen ones and the first of all" said the old man

,, what how now? He was the 1st? "

, yes, but I think it was not the best choice of me to choose him as 1st because he had to suffer a lot but I think you will have the most difficult because you have to save all 6 you will only have one try the others must saved 5 and themself and must also stay alive and had 3 chances you will unfortunately not get any a chance that why I hope therefore you will make it because you also have to try to keep yourself alive so as long as you have managed to save everyone "said the old man with a little bit another voice

,, What do you mean by all 6 and why did the other only 5 have to save who was the person ? "I looked questioningly at the old man

"The person was someone who could no longer save but he could save, but they all wanted to try to save him anyway, that's why they all failed .." said the man

,, who .. was that the person? maybe I can safe him . Sheep is that why they chose me? "

See you next time :)
And Would be nice if you guys would write in the comments how you found it :)

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