Ch. 1 - Frieza

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At nearly the same time, two air crafts appeared within the Earth's atmosphere, one of which looking familiar to a couple as they had seen a ship just like it on their trip to Namek a few years back. Unfortunately, they had also felt a familiar power on that ship, and it was one that filled them with dread.

That familiar power belonged to none other than the tyrannical ruler, Lord Frieza. A majority of the group that headed towards the ship weren't familiar with this immense power they felt inside, for they weren't on the trip to Namek. Even still, the very feeling of it shook them to their very core. To make matters worse, it seemed Frieza wasn't alone, and was instead accompanied by someone who somehow held even more power than he.

The other air craft had gone completely unnoticed by the group, as it appeared in thin air seemingly from nowhere. This air craft was much smaller in size, and could only fit two people inside. After the top hatch of the craft was opened, two beings of similar nature hopped out of it. Before leaving the ship on it's own, the teenage male of the two pressed a button on the side of it, making the craft poof into a cloud of smoke. Out from the smoke emerged a small capsule with a button on the top. The lavender haired male picked up the capsule and placed it into a white box with other similar capsules inside.

"I hope this is the right point in time. You said Frieza was supposed to be coming here with his father, right, Gonan?" the boy asked as he stuffed the box of capsules in his jacket pocket.

Gonan hummed in a confirming manner as she looked up in the skies, searching for the ship. As she searched with her eye, she let herself also scan the area with her ki sensing. Much to her unexpected relief, she felt the power of Frieza and his father, along with the small army they had brought with them. Turning to face the direction of the ship, she informed Trunks, her teenage pupil, of their location, "They're over there."

Trunks glanced at her to check which direction she was looking, then looked in that direction, sensing for the two and nodded, "Right, so how should we go about this?"

"I'll leave them to you, I'm going to make sure the others don't get involved and get themselves hurt. They're on their way to the ship as we speak." Gonan slowly pushed herself off the ground with her ki to hover just a few inches above it, ready to take off and meet the group of Z-fighters.

"Alright. It shouldn't take long to beat these guys. Afterwards, we can head over to where your dad is going to land and wait to tell him about the androids." Trunks, too, began to levitate off the ground in preparation to take off. Before leaving, Trunks muttered, "I wonder if Goku really can save the world from the androids..."

Hearing Trunks' wonderings, Gonan turned to him with a small smile that held so many emotions, "You'll see. He just... has a way of making things turn out all right."

With that, the both of them took off to separate directions, Trunks heading off towards Frieza's ship and Gonan heading over to the Z-fighters. As Gonan made her way to her old friends, a lump grew in her throat as she got closer and closer to the group of hidden power levels. They must've chosen to try and sneak up on Frieza, keeping their power low so his scouters didn't pick them up immediately. However, she didn't fear Frieza and thought it better to let them know she was headed their way.

Gonan let her energy flare a small bit, enough to catch their attention. The movement from the energy signatures she had been following had ceased, she guessed it was because they were contemplating this new energy they felt. As she neared the group, which had been working their way up a cliff type formation in the area, she slowed her pace as to be as unalarming to them as possible. Her heart beat loudly in her chest in anticipation and anxiety to see her old friends, as well as her brother. She wasn't sure how to face them, but knew she had to deal with it regardless. After all, she still had to wait roughly three hours until her father arrived on Earth.

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