Chapter 47

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" With pleasure. "

- Luis Bennett.

" Maybe

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" Maybe. "

" Not maybe! I'm sure Cedric will be chosen. " Y/n grinned and Luis chuckled. " Let's hope so. "

Y/n nodded, as the two headed towards the Great Hall. Y/n waved and parted ways to the Gryffindor table. " Hello. "

" Where were you? " Ron wriggled his eyebrows and Y/n scrunched her face,
" Please don't ever do that. "

" Agreed. " Harry and Hermione chorused and Y/n chuckled, " Library. I still had to finish the Potions essay. "
Harry choked, " I didn't do that! "

Y/n snickered, nudging him. " And why am I living? You can copy off of mine. " She winked and Harry gave her a goofy smile.

" No, he isn't. " Hermione said pointedly and Y/n frowned. " Just this one. " Harry pleaded and Hermione eventually gave in.

" Sit down please! " Said Dumbledore,
"Now the moment you've all been waiting for! Champions selection! "

Y/n grinned at Mariette from across the Hall and gave her an assuring nod. Dumbledore dulled the whole room and the only light illuminiated was from the goblet.

The first piece of Parchment flew out,
" The Durmstrang Champion is... Victor Krum! "

" No doubt there! " Ron yelled and Y/n snickered, " Ron! Shut up. " She giggled and turned back as Krum walked out of the Great Hall.

" The Beauxbatons Champion is... Fleur Delacor. " Y/n clapped, grinning at Mariette. She knew Mariette was looking forward for Fleur to participate.

" Lastly, the Hogwarts Champion is.." He looked around and Y/n met Luis's eyes, " Cedric Diggory! "

Many cheers were heard as Cedric got up and hugged Luis before reaching Dumbledore.

Y/n gave Luis a thumbs up and Luis chuckled, nodding.

" Excellent. We now have our three champions. But in the end, only one will go down in the history. Only one will hoist this chalice of champions.. The vessel of victory.. The Triwizard Cup! "

Dumbledore revealed the shining blue trophy and everyone cheered. While everyone did, Snape was the first to notice the Goblet of Fire.

Y/n watched as another piece of parchment came out and Dumbledore took it. " Harry Potter? "

He mumbled and Y/n's throat tightened.
She turned to look at her brother, eyes wide. " HARRY POTTER?! "

Harry looked equally horrified and shocked. " No. " She breathed out, turning to Dumbledore.
" Go on, Harry! Harry, for Goodness sake! "

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