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Amelia pov
We had painted on a sheet rons rat had ruined, "Potter For President." Me and Dean drew lions and snitches and brooms on the sheet too. It was  very nice. Hermione had did a charm to make it flash different colors, we all waited for the quidditch game to begin, we were all nervous because Snape was the referee.

as Harry and the other quidditch players walked into the quidditch pitch, we yelled and cheered.

"Go Harry! Go Gryffindor!"

They mounted their brooms and there was a loud blast on a whistle.

"And the quaffle is taken immediately by Angelina Johnson. What an excellent chaser that girl is and rather attractive to."


"Sorry Professor."Lee Jordan apologized.
The game went on.

"No! Slytherin has the quaffle."

"Oh wait never mind!" Lee Jordan went on

The game went on, Gryffindor had scored.
Hagrid joined us, Harry was gliding above the game. The game went on, Harry had spotted the golden snitch but then Marcus Flint blocked him.

"FOUL" screamed me and the Gryffindors.
Dean Thomas was yelling,"red card!"

"I agree, flint could have knocked Harry out the air." Hagrid said.

Lee Jordan went on speaking as the game.
"What's happening to harrys broom?" I whispered

Everyone was now paying attention to his broom. Harry had then swung off of his broom, but not fully. Malfoy was talking bad, arguing back and fourth with Ron and neville.

"Maybe something happened when flint hit him." Hermione suggested.

"I think someone is jinxing the broom." I said.

Hermione looked around, I pointed. "Look, Snape is muttering something." I told her.

"I think I can stop him.."  When I looked back, Malfoy and Ron were on the ground fighting, Neville throwing fists at Crabbe and Goyle. I scoffed and hurried off to the teachers side.

I started a fire right next to Snape, causing all the professors to jump up and put it out as I ran back to where my friends were, causing Gryffindor to win.  Harry and I were celebrating moments later, Hermione went off on Ron for starting that fight. I saw Snape walk to the forest.

"Harry! Look!" We got on his broom and flew over the forest, listening to the conversation. Snape was threatening Quirrell while Quirrell was a stuttering mess. Harry and I looked at each other in shock, throwing the invisibility cloak over our heads and hurrying out of there going explain everything we heard to our best friends.

We all walk slowly and quietly to Hagrid's huge hut,we knock on the doors, he opens it slowly.

"Sorry, you kids, I'm busy right now."Hagrid said and when he went to slam the door shut we all yelled..

"We need to know what's guarding the stone!"

"Oh dear." We heard him mutter loudly.
We all walk in and  began explaining the long theory we have.

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