Chapter 2: New Special Exam

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Kiyotaka POV

After explaining some things to Ichinose, she gave a nod, then suddenly I can feel a hand on my shoulder.

Amasawa: "Hello Ayanokoji~senpai." I turned around and saw the little devil.

Kiyotaka: "What do you want?" I asked coldly, she's probably going to stir up some trouble.

Amasawa: "Don't be so cold to me senpai, I just saw you go in here so I thought of greeting you." She said with a smile that didn't reach her eyes.

Ichinose: "Ayanokoji-kun are you two aquainted?" Ichinose spoke up.

Kiyotaka: "She is 1st year A Class Amasawa Ichika, she helped partner up with Sudo."

Ichinose: "I see, my name is Ichinose Honami of Class C, pleasure to meet you." She said extending her hand.

Amasawa: "Pleasure to meet you too Ichinose-senpai." Amasawa shook her hand, I thought she wouldn't shake it.

Amasawa: "Well I'll see you later senpai." She said walking away from us, good thing she didn't say anything that can cause trouble.

Amasawa: "I almost forgot, i'm sorry for your injured hand senpai, I'll make it up to you I promise." She said leaving a bomb behind, what an evil kohai.

Ichinose: "What did she mean by that Ayanokoji-kun?" Now I need to make an excuse.

Kiyotaka: "Well remember that she partnered up with Sudo, her condition was for me to cook for her, that was when I accidentally stabbed myself so she's probably saying sorry for that." I mixed some lies and truths so it will be believable, though getting myself accidentally stabbed is not really believable.

Ichinose: "I see. Well we should probably get going, thank you for accompanying me Ayanokoji-kun." She said bowing her head.

Kiyotaka: "No problem, I wanted to talk to you anyways." I said making her cheeks tainted pink.

We went back to our dorms and seperated when we got to my floor, tomorrow will be the start of the Golden Week, I guess I can just relax in my room until the week ends.


The golden week ended in a flash, I got off the elevator and there I was greeted by my classmate Sudo.

Sudo: "Yo." I can say that Sudo has improved a lot, usually he would just lash out at everything but last week proved that was not the case anymore.

Sudo: "Are you okay now?" He was probably referring from the events that took place from last week.

Kiyotaka: "Yeah i'm good, it didn't really affect me that much." Although I was hated by most of my classmates nothing really change that much, I would of prefered to have the Ayanokoji Group to not seperate though.

Sudo: "Those guys were all jerks, they just straight up insulted you, now I can see why our classmates were irritated
at me in the past." Sudo began to change his behaviour and habits, just a little more help and he would become a valuable student in Class D.

Kiyotaka: "It's fine." I gave him a short reply.

Sudo: "I'll probably want to transfer after they do that to me, so if you change classes I wouldn't really mind, you've been a great help to our class." His bestfriend will probably think that Sudo ate something weird when he heard that.

Sudo: "Hey Ayanokoji-kun just wanted to know but are you and Suzune dati-" I stopped him.

Kiyotaka: "No i'm just a neighbour to her." In Sudo's and everyone else's eyes me and Horikita probably looked like we were dating since were together almost everytime at the start of school but we were at best just friends.

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