her voice

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Mafia a.u

Third pov
Lily was just gathering some supplies with earth and wind in the mall while walking lily saw a music store as she look at the displays as the window "what's wrong dear?"earth asked as they notice lily stop and she was looking at the music store

"It's nothing earth come on" she said and walk past the two as they look at her with a sad smile since her parents died in the accident the only thing that remain back then was her love for music her voice was angel to them then another love one past away

Her grandma she died on a old age as lily was heart broken by then it made her stop and gave up playing music since then they Never heard her sing or play the guitar she got in her 12th birthday.

"She's still healing huh earth?" Wind asked as earth sigh "yeah, I hope one day lily can play again"


As of now they already bought what they need and was heading home to make dinner with the rest of the brothers were at the shop anyway so they got some time to make dinner before they arrive back.

While walking lily heard a tune "do you guys hear that?" As she look where it was coming from, "hear what dear?" Earth asked stoping on their tracks "a tune it's coming from over Their" she pointed at the left as they saw a crowd

"Huh Maybe it's a street performer, let's go check!" Wind drag lily as earth just follow they stop and look at a guy who was playing a guitar, it was similar to lily's guitar only they're were no flower carvings on it

The two boys look at lily who had a small sad smile as she close her eyes and start listening after the music was done everyone in the crowd clap even them as they give some money to him.

"Let's go, we still need to make dinner for the rest" lily said as they were about to walk away "hey wait" the three turn around and saw the man walk towards them

"I noticed you were mostly the one who's is deeply listening to my music I like to thank you" he said to lily as she smiled "it's a beautiful peace and you are a good musician" lily commented as they say their goodbyes and


At night when all the boys are sleeping lily was in her room by the table doing her homework but stop still remembering the tune she heard it was so sad but it has some sort of meaning like the tune her mom and dad use to sing

She didn't even realize that she was humming the tune as she will always remembers it.

Water woke up in the middle of the night his mouth dry as he immediately got up and get something to drink and saw a dim light on lily's room ' she's still awake?' he wonder

As he got closer he heard her humming a song shocking him he long forgotten who hypnotic her sweet voice was since it's been a long time they heard it

Hearing lily humming a tune was surprising he immediately long forgotten his dry throat and just listed to lily's voice as she was still humming he lean beside her open door and smile


The next day lily woke up bright and early as she got ready for her wearing a red t-shirts and a leather jacket with a pear o rip Jeans and her boots she got out of her room.

She was shock to see water beside her door leaning to a wall asleep as lily didn't think any of it and just thought he must have fallen asleep before he got back to his room

"Water, love wake up please" she gently wake the Boy up as water open his eyes and yawns "morning rose" he mumbled rubbing his eyes as lily chuckled "morning water, get up your back must be hurting from the solid wall behind you"

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