Get Ready

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"So!" Sayaka began, sparing the paper a glance before turning to everyone. "Where do we start?"

"It's your list, why don't you pick?" Homura asked, turning to the pinkette.

Madoka looked at everyone as though to check if it was alright, then pointed to the words 'get ready'.

"'Get ready'? For what exactly?" Mami asked.

"Oh! Maybe 'get ready' as in get dressed?" Kyoko suggested.

"Shopping." Homura agreed.

"Sounds great." Madoka smiled brightly.

"Shopping it is, you free later Mami?" Kyoko asked the blonde, who nodded. "Let's meet after school then."

"Yes, we can meet at the gate." Homura decided.


"Madoka, Sayaka, would you two like to come over for dinner?" Hitomi asked, ignoring the red head who was glaring daggers at her.

"Oh, sorry Hitomi, but we're going shopping." Sayaka answered apologetically.

Hitomi tilted her head curiously. "Just you two?" Kyoko cleared her throat loudly. "Sorry, three." she corrected with a cold look at the red head.

"We invited Homura and her friend." Madoka added.

"Well then, the more the merrier." Hitomi chirped, attempting a self-invite, despite the hesitant looks Madoka and Sayaka were exchanging.

"Go back to your castle, princess..." Kyoko muttered angrily.

Hitomi's brow twitched, but she didn't say anything.

Homura, we need help. Sayaka called telepathically.

As if on cue, Homura looked up, catching her eye.

Homura grabbed her bag and got out her phone for a moment, then turned to the group.

"Madoka, Sayaka, Kyoko, we agreed to meet Mami at the gate, remember?" Homura asked as she approached.

"I'm coming as well." Hitomi announced.

Homura tilted her head.

"Did Madoka say you could?" she asked coldly.

Hitomi froze, then turned to Madoka with a desperate look.

Madoka just looked at Sayaka helplessly.

"I'm sure you know of Mami Tomoe?" Homura asked.

"Of course, she's an upperclassman." Hitomi answered.

"She has family visiting and wants to find something nice to wear for their arrival, we simply agreed to help." Homura lied.

Hitomi frowned.

"Are you...?" she glanced at Kyoko and Sayaka, then at Madoka and Homura. "Are you going on a double date? There's no way you could know Mami Tomoe."

Madoka's lips twitched, both at 'there being no way they could know Mami' and the looks Kyoko and Sayaka were exchanging at the idea of them dating.

Homura heaved a sigh.

"Mami won't wait all day, if you'll excuse us, Hitomi Shizuki." Homura spun on her heel towards the door, the three girls quick to follow.

Madoka paused and gave Hitomi an apologetic smile.

"Sorry Hitomi, I'll call you tonight, okay?" Madoka offered.

Hitomi brightened slightly and waved, despite the downcast look.

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⏰ Last updated: 7 days ago ⏰

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