No, Dream. You aren't right.

...then why aren't I saying that out loud?

"Just- just shut up Dream. You're trying to manipulate her" Tommy spoke out

After a simple chuckle, Dream's face had a twisted smirk plastered on it.
"I'm just making her face the truth. Nothing more, nothing less"

"Now, Tommy....say your goodbyes"

Tommy stared blankly at Dream.

"Say your goodbyes." Dream repeated "I'm going to kill Tubbo after this. And there's really nothing you can do. So, say your goodbyes."

"You aren't going to kill him! You won't---!"

"Trust me Tommy. I will. I most definitely will. You have to accept it. Now-- Hurry up and say your goodbyes before you regret it. Go over there-- and I'll be over here."

Dream then walks towards the nether portal, leaving me, Tubbo and Tommy on the other side of the room- basically.

Tommy and Tubbo looked to eachother, Tommy's eyes darted around is quite a panic. He was probably thinking of ways to get out of this situation. But, all hope seemed to be lost.
He even looked towards me for a brief moment, hoping I'd change my mind.

The two teens talked to one another, Tubbo ended up accepting the fact he will die, and Tommy not wanting to hear or see it.

Tommy cares for Tubbo. And Tubbo cares for Tommy.

Their friendship is truly something that cannot be replaced so easily.


...should I help them escape?

But, before I could come to a reasonable conclusion... The portal began to grow louder.
My eyes shot to see what was happening, and... The portal began to swirl.

Someone was coming through.

And... After a few moments... 

...Punz came through wearing fully enchanted netherite.... and he was holding a trident in his grasp.

All of us turned to face Punz, all of us equally as confused.

Everything was silent before Punz finally decided to speak.

"I'm sorry Dream" Punz said "But you should've paid me more"

Those were the final words spoken before more people begun to come through the portal.

And.... I think I saw... pretty much everyone from Manburg there... And-- I guess if you count the people of the Dream Team SMP too.

At the sight, Tommy and Tubbo ran over behind everyone else.

"Hey- hey- HEY--!!" Dream shouted

Dream tried to follow after the boys, but his friend-- erm... ex bestfriend stopped him by holding out his sword to him. Sapnap seemed to be glaring daggers into the masked male.

"Dream. Step away from them" Sapnap uttered

Dream just stared at Sapnap for a long moment, then panned his gaze towards everyone else.

"...Why are you all here?" Dream questioned

"We're tired, man. We're tired of your shit." Jack manifold responded

There was a few moments of silence between everyone. All judgmental gazes to the man in the white mask.

I was partially apart of that group of people.

"Hey, Dream" Tommy says, walking forward and past the others in order to get to Dream "I know you're not going to kill me. You said I was too important to kill. Even now. You're not going to fucking kill me."

Tommy and Dream stared at eachother for a moment, Tommy pulling out a pickaxe that he apparently got from Sapnap a few moments ago, digs a hole into the ground.
After the hole was made, he looked back to Dream.

"Items in the hole" Tommy muttered

Dangggg.... I remember him telling me a bit about this when he was in exile. Dream always came by and blew up all of his stuff. And would repeatedly do that whenever he came to visit.

Not fun times from what he kept saying.

Though, even with the number of people... Even with everyone against him... All Dream did was...


And soon, that laugh became more maniacal.

"What-- what's so funny?? You're surrounded! You must be a real fucking psycho to be laughing at a time like this" Tommy said, a little creeped out

Soon though, Dream's laughter died down. And... I felt Dream's gaze land on... me.

"I did something for you, remember? I did a lot for you. Why don't you simply help me in return?" Dream says

"What are you talking about, Dream?" Tommy asked

Dream ignored Tommy.

"Come on. Didn't you want to get what you came here for?" Dream says

I stayed silent.

"....How about cutting a deal?" Dream suggests "Kill Tubbo, hurt anyone else who tries to stop you... And I'll give you a fair share of power... Protection... sanctuary. You want Techno to live a peaceful life, right?"

When Tommy finally realized who Dream was talking to, his expression became more furious.

"What the fuck is wrong with you Dream!?" Tommy shouted

"What's it going to be, Y/N!? I'll even give you back your sword right now if you kill Tubbo with it!" Dream states

...Will he?

...I don't sense a lie.

It's truthful.

He's being truthful.

Does he really want his plan to work by any means?

What do I do...?

I came here for my sword....

But now-- If I do this... People will hate me, sure... But, power will be given in return.

...just imagine what could be done if I just did this...





what do I do?

{Endings 1 - 3}
(Happy end, Normal end, Bad end)
See you in the next and possibly FINAL update of this book!

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