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Edited: 10th June 2024


   It's common knowledge, despite not being spoken aloud anymore, that omegas aren't exactly the most favoured people.

  If they could, they'd say it to our faces, but that's been a crime for a while(not that many packs took notice of that fact) and everybody liked to play the part of the good guy. We're small and weak, and apparently we're supposed to be naturally subservient. It's our instinct to obey. It made us out to be easy targets. Everything that they are not. It made them think they could treat us how they wanted as long as it didn't cross some sort of invisible line. We've grown used to the treatment, taught from a young age how to handle it and how not to seem like targets to the people in charge. We learned to be greatful for the good we get, and not to linger too long and the bad.

   Our pack was one of the better to be a part of for omegas, treated mostly with some level of respect and allowed to go to school. Other packs would make us useful only for their domestic tasks and sexual favours- education was never an option and made other options near impossible to find. 'Oh, but that's against the law'.
  So is many other things, but there are loopholes to every rule. It was suprisingly easy to spin the law and claim that they were homeschooling. It was worse for the packhouses.

   Our pack house wasn't actually just the one house, but multiple large, old designed a couple of centuries ago to house hundreds. The one I lived at was the largest, designed to hold dozens of sweat drenched and hormonal teenagers that think of very few things. Sex, status, and social media. If you were anything but the best, then you were the worst of them all and everybody knew and dreaded it. The only thing that made it somewhat bearable to live through was by having that one close friend we all wished we had. The one that understands just about everything about you, even if you don't quite understand it yourself. Mine is the best. Most of the time.
  I turned around at the shrieking sound of my alarm clock, the numbers reading '6:00' in the most obnoxious bold, bright red colouring. So early and yet my best friend had decided that it was indeed the best idea ever to wake me up and get me out of bed. It probably was, with how many people we shared the house with, but that didn't mean my soul agreed. Sleep was pretty much the only way to escape the reality of being an omega.
  "C'mon Wells!" he was so loud, I tried to dull the noise by shoving my head underneath my pillow. It didn't work, and the pillow went flying across our room. "The Alpha called a pack meeting for the teens. Even we have to be there this time."
  I groaned, staring at the clock for a minute to make sure that my eyes weren't actually decieving me before shoving myself up against the wall. Our Alpha was rarely out of bed before we were about to leave for school, and never spoke to anyone before his morning coffee- which he always had one of us omegas make for him. This early, why would he need to call a pack meeting?
  "I hate my life."
  "I know. Early, right?"
  "Did Alpha say what it was about?" he shook his head, puffing out his cheeks and finally sitting beside me to let me wake up properly. This early, there was no chance of me getting to the kitchen and getting a coffee. "We might get squashed by the others, they don't care if we die. Do you think we'll die today and get out of that meeting?"
  "You're such a pessimist in the morning. Just hurry up and get ready before we get in trouble with Alpha again. You know what happened the last time we were late to something." I nod and shove my blanket back, knocking Cova onto the ground at the same time. He caught himself before it made too much noise, and glared at me. I rolled my eyes and grabbed at the pile of clean boxers at the end of my bed. He shouldn't have sat there in the first place if he didn't want to be inconvenienced like that.

   My half of the closet was filled with the brightest of colours, ranging from jet black to slightly darker than grey, with the occasional white shirt scattered around to spice things up. To change it up a little, I went with an oversized black t-shirt and black jeans, hoping that nobody would notice the stain that I'd never managed to remove from the knee.
  By the time I finally realised I hadn't even had a wash or brushed my teeth, I simply deemed it okay to wait until I actually needed to go to school. The meeting and then breakfast came first, simply because I valued my head being attached to my shoulders.
  "Come on!" Cova nearly yelled, hearing the bells in the house beginning to ring and dragging me out of the room. Unfortunately, he didn't break my neck by forcing me down the stairs so hazardously, and I had to actually endure the meeting.

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