"& as far as the team, college recruitment, that'll come in its time. Everything happens for a reason son, we must go through it to get to the meaning. But no matter what happens, know you're a king who's destined for greatness, and anyone who says otherwise, isn't meant for your journey. Don't give up on your dreams and aspirations just because it didn't happen the way you planned it. Anything worth fighting for is worth keeping. Hear me?" She advised him standing up tilting his chin up. He listened to her words nodding his head again. Grace patted his shoulder before leaving the room to check on her youngest. Spencer grabbed his phone pulling up a new message to send her but hesitated and exited out of it putting it back on the table.

Meanwhile on the other side of town, Olivia and her only twin were taking a self-care day from school to get some sibling bonding time in. Jordan mentioned to his mom that his sister has been sadder and moodier in the past month and thought it would be a good idea to spend the day together to check in with her. Given her break-up with Asher recently, and the tension between her and Layla after telling her the truth about Spencer, his sister was going through it. Also, her and Spencer have gone another few weeks without speaking and he knew it was effecting her. Jordan hasn't always been the best brother to her and paying attention to her when it was needed and after finding her unconscious when she relapsed on pills, he's been working on showing up for her in any way that he can. They were posted at a neighborhood karaoke bar singing their hearts out to classics from Aaliyah while wearing matching shirts of hers.

"Aaaaand if at first you don't suceeeedd, then you can dust it off and try again, ya can deest ittt hoff" Jordan was singing to the lyrics on the screen as his sister sat watching him as he sung off-key and swinging his hips and pointing at the same time. She couldn't stop laughing at how bad his voice was. She sang to the lyrics herself in silence playfully pointing and laughing with him.

"Try again try again. Cuz if at first you don't succeeeeeeed" Liv dragged her voice silently giggling and covering her mouth looking at the screen.

"Guess what? Ya can dust it off and try...again ok that's it! That'll do" Jordan popped his collar before the music stopped and the song ended.

"I'm amazed you remembered that much!!" She squealed.

"Well considering that this was the same song you had me sing every time we've been here, I'm not that all surprised. Oh! We've got five more minutes left in the room-"She cut him off while looking down at his watch.

"Perfect! Enough time for me to sing one more song" She said resting her hands on the cushions lifting herself up before her brother delayed it.

"Actually, I was thinking we could just talk for a bit" He shrugged his shoulders.

"Here we go... Jordan, I'm fine ok" She sighed annoyingly sitting back down on the couch clasping her hands together crossing her legs.

"Yeah! Layla's still giving me the cold shoulder and...every run in with Asher is...awkward? To say the least, but I...am fine"

"Do you wish you were still with him?" Her brother pondered.

"Mmm nah, it's not like that. It honestly was inevitable, I just didn't expect us to break up the way that we did..." She said with sadness lacing her voice. She was head over heels in love with someone else but that didn't change her love and care for Asher. She loved him, just wasn't in love with him anymore. She never really was, not the way she is with Spencer.

"I mean if I'm being honest sis, I was never really a fan of ya'll, but the breakup did take me a little by surprise but after I learned why, not so much" Jordan made clear.

Last Summer: Vegas BabyWhere stories live. Discover now