"It'd be nice to see you throw a few knives, let the others know you haven't lost your touch." Finnick says, but he isn't pushy, as he knows it's a touchy subject.

"I know I can do it, so why does it matter?" She asks, crossing her arms.

"We need allies, Isla. And right now, they..." he points at Katniss and Peeta, "have everyone's attention. The others are just waiting to see what their deal is first."

"Let them have all the attention, then." Isla grumbles, shooting Katniss a glare as she paints with Peeta.

"All I'm saying is, it wouldn't hurt to try." He shrugs, turning back towards the targets. Isla thinks about grabbing some of the knives and planting them swiftly into the target that Finnick is facing, but decides against it.

She can't risk having an episode like she did back in District Four. Not in front of the others. Johanna might even back out of their alliance if she saw Isla acting that way. It's too risky, and embarrassing. For now, Isla will brush up on her knowledge of survival. Although, that's all she did for the two days before the reaping, so there isn't much she isn't confident she already knows.

Now working on the plant identifying quiz, Isla spots Finnick at the knot tying station. He's showing Katniss a few simple knots. He makes a noose and puts it around his neck, holding the end out for the girl. "Wanna take me for a walk?" He jokes. Katniss laughs, shaking her head as she tries to replicate the knot.

Isla feels her blood boil as the scene unfolds. Why was Finnick being so nice to the girl who killed their tribute, and Isla's best friend, just last year? He knows how much Isla can't stand her, so why bother making friends? He had to realize that she was on top of Isla's kill list.

Isla tries to ignore them goofing off together. After getting one hundred percent on the quiz, she moves on to knot tying herself. Finnick and Katniss have moved onto other things, leaving the station empty for her. She's enjoying herself as she makes all of the knots with ease, when she notices that the room is eerily quiet...

Isla turns to see that Katniss must've offered to show Finnick how to shoot a bow, and while doing so, was showcasing her skills. The training centre had been given a technological upgrade in anticipation for the victors, with one of the upgrades including a simulation of moving dummy humans. Katniss is inside of one of those simulations, taking out the projections left and right. All of the other victors have gathered around her, or at least stopped doing whatever it is they were doing to watch. Isla included.

As if she can't hate Katniss any more than she already does, Finnick claps for the girl as she exits the automatic doors to the simulation. Katniss looks at the staring eyes in surprise, handing the bow to Finnick. Isla just rolls her eyes and focuses back on her knot tying. Now, she wouldn't be surprised if several of the victors want to be Katniss' ally. She would almost think Johanna might, too, if it wasn't for the fact that the District Seven tribute can't stand Katniss almost as much as Isla can't.

The signal for lunch rings throughout the room. Isla waits for Finnick to cross the room, and joins him as they walk into the room filled with tables of food. They scoop their food and help push tables together, allowing most of the victors to sit together for the meal. Peeta awkwardly looks at Katniss, who has separated herself again, getting her food alone. He excuses himself to join her, and they end up sitting at their own table.

"What was that all about?" Isla hisses under her breath to Finnick once everyone is seated. He lifts his gaze from his bowl of stew to meet her death stare.

Book 2: The VictorsWhere stories live. Discover now