Random chats

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Welcome to the random chats chapter where I just put whatever comes to mind! This chapter will have multiple chats between groups chats or private chats! So enjoy!!

Yachi and Y/n

Baby: Yachi help me

Princess: With what?

Baby: Homework ;-;

Princess: Didn't I show u how to do the steps and stuff???

Baby: yes but I still don't get it!

Princess: Okay let's video call so I can see how to help u

Baby: U r a true life saver

Princess: It's np!

Hinata and Kageyama

Milk boi: BOKE HINATA BOKE!!!!

Sunshine: What did I do this time????

Milk boi: Nothing I just wanted to yell at u


Yamaguchi and Tsukishima

Yams: Tsukki r we still up for our plan today?

Salt boi: Yes u have the stuff right?

Yams: Yup!

Salt boi: Good and make sure no one 

Salt boi: And I mean NO ONE knows what were doing

Yams: Ofc Tsukki! No will know that we're hacking into the FBI so they stop watching us :)

Salt boi: Good

Suga and Daichi

Sugamama: Daichi we need to talk

Dadchi: Suga? R u okay?

Sugamama: No I'm not

Dadchi: Suga if there's something bothering u, u can talk to me

Sugamama: How can I talk to u if ur dead????

Dadchi: What? Suga I'm not dead........

Sugamama: Don't blame ur son........

Dadchi: Suga I don't have a kid!

Sugamama: So ur disowning Tanaka for what he did!!!

Dadchi: R u talking about when I crashed into his shoulder that one game???

Sugamama: YES!!!!!

Dadchi: Suga 

Dadchi: I 

Dadchi: Am

Dadchi: ALIVE!!!!!

Suga: In our hearts u r.....

Dadchi: Im done

Dadchi is offline

Chat between Suga, Tanaka and Noya

Sugamama: Okay I did it now what do I get???

Best senpai: Food and some extra laps from us :)

Sugamama: I can live with that

Rolling thunderrrr: Wait we're actually doing the extra laps thing?

Rolling thunderrrr: I thought u were kidding....

Best senpai:...........

Sugamama: These r my children.......

Kurro and Kenma

Nerd: Kenma

Nerd: Kenma where r u??

Nerd: Kenma?????

Nerd: Come on Kenma u need to come to practice

Nerd: Guess we won't hit the game store after practice to get u that new game that came out last week 

Nerd: And here I was going to buy it for u too

Nerd: Oh well since ur not responding guess I'm not buying it for u

Gamer boi: Sorry my phone was on silent

Gamer boi: And I'm omw to the gym

Nerd: Good :)

Gamer boi: Plus the game is about 30-39 bucks u have the money?

Nerd: :')

Oikawa and Y/n

Shittykawa: Y/n where r u?

Baby: At my house y?

Shittykawa: I don't want u near Kageyama no more

Baby: Y I'm in thr same classes and club as him

Baby: How am I going to stay away from him????

Shittykawa: Find a way

Baby: Okay this little thing between u and Kageyama doesn't consider me

Baby: This has always been between u and Kageyama I was just the manager of the team cuz u wanted me around so u can keep an eye on me

Baby: And look what happened

Baby: We r at different schools and I'm still with Kageyama

Baby: SO 

Baby: DROP 

Baby: IT

Shittykawa: NO I WONT

Baby: Y NOT??????

Shittykawa: CUZ IK HE LIKES U!!!

Baby: Ik he likes me were friends :)

Shittykawa: U have to be the most clueless person I've ever own


Shittykawa: U know what nvm

Shittykawa: I can't stop u anyway



What you guys think of this chapter? Should I do more like this? Well that's it for this chapter I'll being seeing you guys in the next chapter. Don't forget to vote and comement! BYEEEEE!!!

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