Chapter 1

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Chapter 1 -

Aurora's finger traced the drawing on the page of her journal. It was a sketch she had made the previous spring of her favorite flower, Lily of The Valley. It was a pity they didn't grow this time of year. But... well no one was around. She turned her head to the cottage where uncle Matias was working inside. He was a hunter and would create anything he could sell out of the fur and bones of his bounty. His aging body was having some trouble this last year so he would still be inside for a while.. Rory looked back to the river and decided it was worth the risk. She took a clump of dirt from the earth at her feet and placed it into her palm. The world around stilled. Her eyes closed and a rushing sensation filled her body. When her eyes opened there was a lily blooming in her hand. A smile crept onto her face. She wasn't allowed to do magic especially not with her "special talent" but there was no one around. No risk in the game.

The forest around was quiet. Birds, Deer, and all the other animals that usually roamed the woods were nowhere in sight. The river to Auroras left made all but yelling nearly impossible to discern. So it was a surprise when she could make out the distant trot of horses.

It was certainly strange. Rory and her uncle hardly ever had visitators. Let alone visitators that could afford multiple horses. Their cottage was several miles from the nearest road and nearly 3 days ride from the closest town. Matias and Rory only went into town a few times a year. They didn't have any friends or acquaintances that would take the journey to see them. So what in the name of the gods was going on.

Rory glanced to the path and saw four figures in the distance. All were on horseback. Confused, Rory made her way towards the horsemen. As they approached she was able to make out their garb. Two of the men wore the dark purple and silver of the Saova royal staff. The two behind were soldiers with the crest of the gilded phoenix on their armour.

A relieved sigh left Rory, they must be tax collectors. The men were now at the cottage gate. The soldiers stayed on their horses while the tax collectors shimmied off of their saddles. Rory took a tentative step towards the cottage. One of the tax collectors, a tall man with a large belly and scruffy beard, saw her and gestured her forward, "Oi!", he squinted to see her better," Girl! Is this the residence of Mattias Delvaux?" He barked in a rough voice.

Rory paused before answering, "Yes sir, he's working inside right now." She replied being careful to steady her breathing. People in general, especially Kingsman, made her nervous. It was so rare to see others and strictly speaking she was illegal. When Rory was 3 her mother had started to teach her witchcraft. The practice itself was legal but all witches were required by law to report to the capitol by their 16th birthday. Her mother had done everything in her power to protect Rory from being found out. She had left behind her entire life to keep Aurora hidden. Life at court, being a noble woman. Even Rory's father. And when her mother passed Matias was passed on the responsibility of keeping her hidden. So they had moved out into the woods and he had become a hunter. So when Kingsman, tax collectors or not, showed up at their home it was quite nerve racking.

The other Kingsman, this one fairly similar in stature and physicality though with a scruff of red hair atop his head, looked at her with a confused frown etched on his face. "What in the gods are you doing out here girl?" He paused and waited but she had no response. "What? Are you a mute now." The man looked annoyed. One of the guards had wide eyes. "You do know that flower will kill ya." He said, more than a little shocked at her perceived idiocy.

Rory laughed lightly surprising them. She crouched and threw the flower she had just made into the stream and shrugged. "Maybe so sir but I would advise you to finish your business with my uncle soon, the sun will set in an hour or so and you'll want to be on the road." Rory said still with a smirk on her face. "True," The man with the red hair grimaced," True Young miss we bessed hurry." He still had an unpleasant expression. Rory was a bit confused but assumed it was just his nature. She turned back to her notebook and sat against the tree as she had been doing before getting distracted. Continuing reading over the old notes she became disengaged from the men's conversation as Matias opened the cottage door.

Their conversation was fairly short as Rory had only read a page when her interest peaked again. She looked up and saw that the Kingsman looked angry. Uncle Matias had a panicked expression and was fidgeting with his hands. "Listen I hardly make enough to eat. I don't have your money." Matias said pleadingly. He caught Rory's eye and reached his hand toward the knife in his back pocket. The soldiers, seeing this, pulled out their own rifles.

Her eyes filled with panic as she saw the scene in front of her unfold. The world felt as if in slow motion before her. She shot up and made her way towards them. She froze as she saw the bullet leave the rifle. It hit Matias in the heart. The slow motion around ceased her and the reality of what happened struck her. Rory was frozen, her entire world had just died. The only family she had left had just been shot before her eyes. Yet she could save him, it wasn't too late to use magic. There were Kingsman and Soldiers standing next to them. She would be breaking the only rule she had ever known. And she did so without a second thought.

Rory rushed next to her uncle and kneeled to where he lay. Now motionless and unbreathing. A shaky breath left her as she prepared for what she was about to do. There would be no going back after this. A single tear left her eyes and down her cheek as she placed her hands over his heart. That familiar rush of power swept through her as she called on magic to save her uncle's life.

A/n thank you for reading loves :)

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⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2021 ⏰

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