Season 8 Episode 7 'Instinct'

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"Oh my god!" Emma shouted as she and Kim grabbed their guns and bust out the back of the van. 


Kim called it in as they ran towards the scene.

"Eddie, are the officers hit?" The radio guy asked her. 

"We don't know approaching now." Kim said.

"JAY!" Emma shouted.

"ADAM!" Kim yelled. 

"It's okay! We're good!" Jay yelled as Emma and Kim ran over to them, they all breathed in the relief.

"The brothers are not good." Emma said looking down at the dead bodies. 

"Offenders heading southbound, silver pickup." Adam said, Kim nodded and said that into her radio.

"This is 5021 Eddie, officers are not hit, I repeat officers are not hit. Offenders fleeing southbound in a silver pickup." 

"What the hell just happened?" Emma asked.


"All right, so where are we?" Voight asked as he walked onto the busy scene. 

"I got a partial from the shooters vehicle that fled southbound." Kevin said, "CPICS running it down. It's a newer-model Silverado." 

"Shell casings?" Voight asked.

"19 so far." Kim said. 

"That'll do." Voight said.

"Assault rifle, green tip, .223s."

"All right." Voight said. "Have forensics, bag, tag, and HAND deliver them too ballistics." He looked down at the bodies. "We know these two are gang affiliated meth dealers, so hit the streets. Look for beefs, anniversary shootings, All of it. Get me POD's, ShotSpotters. Whoever did this almost took out two of our own, we don't take that lightly." The unit nodded, as they walked back to Jay's truck, which Kevin had driven here, Jay grabbed Emma's hand and squeezed it.

"I know." She said quietly, squeezing his back.


"Closet ShotSpotter to the shooting." Emma said pulling up a video on Jay's computer in the bullpen, it went black after about twenty seconds. "Looks like someone else got there first."

"It's from 2300 hours, that's the night before it went down." Jay said.

"Well, tell's us the shooter was calculated, planned." Voight said. "What else you got?"

"Nothing actionable." Kevin said. "I talked to some of the victims people, they said they don't know what's going on or who did this." Kevin said. 

"Okay, anything on the shooters car?"Voight asked. 

"CPIC, pieced together the plate from the hot sheet." Emma said. "Vehicle was stolen three days ago, we lodged a BOLO but-"

"It's torched to the rims by now. We're circling the drain here." Voight said. 

"Maybe not sarge." Kim said coming up the stairs with Adam who was eating an orange. "OCD busted into two burners found at the brothers place. These are the texts on their phones:

'You sell you die.'

'I warned you.'


'Dead." Kim said. 

"There's dozens of them!" Adam said. "Someone threatened to kill the Becerra brothers if they didn't get out of the meth game, and then they made good on it." 

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