Just One Sip.....

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It was closing time. Aziraphale was finishing his work on his old computer while Crowley watched his angel work with a dopey grin on his face.

Meanwhile, their daughter Eden Alexandria Queen Fell, was in the backroom of the shop, engrossed in one of her many Dark Crystal books.

Eden reached out, only for her fingers to connect with an empty plate. She had eaten all of grapes again. Eden let out a sigh as she glanced at the clock hanging on the wall. It was time.

She closed her book, set it on the sofa and she rose to her feet, she clapped her hands and fresh grapes appeared on the plate. Both red and green ones.

Eden then made her way to the small pantry and returned with two bottles of red wine and placed them on the small table were two wine glasses were waiting.

Soon her parents would come join her and partake in their evening wine and talk about all sorts of things while Eden mostly listened and laughed at her fathers' antics as they got more drunk.

Eden gazed at the two bottles of wine. The crimson liquid looked pretty....and her parents loved to drink it all the time, sure it made them act barmy, but it must taste as it looked....

Eden grabbed one of the empty wine glasses and poured a generous amount of the red liquid in the glass, nearly filling it to the brim. It looked scrummy.

Just one little sip couldn't hurt and if she didn't like it, her parents could have it.

"Eden Alexandria Queen Fell, what in Heaven's name are you doing?!" Eden cringed, nearly spilling the glass of wine all over herself. The dreaded full name....

Eden turned and her blue serpentine gaze to meet the stern amber orange gaze Crowley Fell.

"Daddy." Eden tried to look as innocent as possible.

"Don't "Daddy" me young lady!" said Crowley, crossing his arms. "You know that you aren't allowed to drink alcohol."

"But I'm twenty four, I'm old enough for my first drink. I should have had it when I was twenty one..."

"You were far too young then and you're still far too young now!" Crowley stepped forward and took the glass away from Eden and set it down on the table.

"Dammit." Eden muttered. It wasn't fair. All of her human friends considered her an adult and yet her parents still treated her like a child.

"Language!" Aziraphale scolded gently as he entered the backroom. "Oh, grapes!" Aziraphale darted to the plate filled with grapes and popped a red one in his mouth.

"I miracled extra red ones, just for you Papa..." Eden said.

"Well done Little One, they taste just as sweet as you." Aziraphale replied as he pecked her on the cheek.

"I'm not little Papa!" Eden muttered, blushing, as she pulled away and flopped back down on the couch, glaring at her Daddy enviously as he downed the entire glass of wine.

"You'll always be my Little One." Aziraphale murmured tenderly. Eden looked so much like Crowley when she pouted.

Aziraphale sat down on the sofa and Eden got up so Crowley could take her place and she poured her Papa a glass of wine.

"Papa, when can I try my first glass of wine?" Eden asked.

"I'll have to discuss that with your father my dear." Aziraphale had overheard the conversation Eden had with Crowley moments before. And Eden had a fair point. She was fully grown now, it was high time for him and Crowley to loosen the reigns a bit.

But his husband was very overprotective, hell, so was he! But Crowley was much more extreme then the angel was. If their daughter was so much as a minute late returning from lunch, he would panic and go on a tangent that 999 must be contacted because their daughter had been kidnapped, hurt or worse.....only to have Eden return completely safe and unharmed.

Talking with Crowley about this in particular would be easier said than done.

Eden smiled and it made Aziraphale's smile even broader. "Thank you Papa." It was a start.

"Anything for you my darling, now, sit down and help me eat these grapes. I won't be able to eat all of these myself!" Eden was more than happy to oblige as Crowley began a drunken ramble about dolphins, and whatever they put in bananas these days..... 

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⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2021 ⏰

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