The Duke

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You open the door and there was a man, who looked morbidly obese sat at a counter, "AH, Welcome (Y/N) It's a pleasure to meet you in the flesh." His warm voice greeted you. How did he know your name?? "You know my name?" You wondered as you walked up to him, the man was tall and veins and stretchmarks covered the lower half of his stomach. He may be big for size but he looked quite dashing in his outfit. "You look quite dashing in your outfit my sir." You bow to him he nodded and laughed heartily "My, my, you are too kind, and do please mind my manners, Call me The Duke, I am just a humble merchant." He introduced himself properly you giggled "well pleasure to meet you Duke, i must ask, what can I do to get some food?" You asked, you were starving and you didn't want to wait any more. Duke Laughed once more, "Your kind greeting has done enough to spark kindness from me, I shall make you food for free, But, you must pay me back for it." That you were able to do, for you had some lei. "Of course, once I get my clothing.." You looked down at your self, you were wearing a white robe. "You will need some healing props yes?" Duke spoke up taking you from your thoughts, you nod. "You have no idea how much pain I'm in sir." A tear escaped your eye. "Then come sit, while i make food You may rest your legs." He motioned to a chair propped next to the counter, You limped over to the chair and sat down grunting. While cooking Duke started to speak through the sound of sizzling. "That must have been a bad trip you went through, ver eventful." You didn't know how he knew what you went through "yeah, horrid." You answered him with sorrow in your voice, "Lord heisenberg was in a good mood when he saved you, you should be lucky." Duke said his voice still jolly "Yeah, I'll have to thank him once I see him." You smiled kindly "indeed, be wary of your stay here, this place isn't as good as it seems." Duke warned, you knew he was serious and you stayed quite, the smell of something all to well known filled your nose, it was a smell you have craved to sense, the smell of steak and you could smell the potatoes already, "it smells amazing." You looked to Duke in awe, your mouth watered, "Thought you would like some steak and potatoes." He spoke with a happy smile on his face at this point you didn't bother wondering about the things he knows.

Duke had finished the food and served you some, the steak was large and a big serving of potatoes, you took a whiff and ate everything off the plate, youv'e always had a large  appetite, you may have been small and skinny but you always ate large servings, you never have really been full, though you were satisfied eating every since you were a kid, as a kid you always complained but as you got older you stopped especially after... "So, what's your plan, you will be here for a while will you?" Duke snapped you after your thoughts taking your plate and handing you his, he only ate one of the steaks and some of the mashed potato you nodded and ate the rest of his plate. "I do not think Lady Dimitrescu will be letting me leave anytime soon, but it also seems she doesn't want to do anything to me." You answered him, "she may have plans, or, Maybe she will not do anything to you because you are a rescue." You looked to him confused "whatever do you mean Duke?" You asked Duke chuckled "have you considered that the man Lord Heisenberg didn't want you hurt due to him saving you? He didn't want to have his efforts to save you wasted?" Now you understood, he didn't want Lady Dimitrescu to kill you because it would have been a waste, it made sense why Lady Dimitrescu seemed a little irritant about you, why she threatened you, you shivered "apologies for putting that thought in your head." Duke spoke, "I won't have his Efforts be a waste then." You smile, you didn't want to think to much on it, you were already scared shitless because of Lady Dimitrscu's threat.

"Ah yes! Here free with your meal." He held out a glass bottle with a label that read: Chemfluid. You didn't know what it was but since Duke seems like he's an ally you could trust him. You grab the bottle and open it "what do I do with this Duke?" You asked Duke, he lit his cigar and put it in his mouth. "You must put the liquid on your wound it shall heal up quick nicely." He took a puff of the cigar "you looked around seeing if the is any mirrors which there wasn't and you turned around opening your robe, and poured the liquid it stung but it was worth it. The door swung open "hey du-" the man cut himself off, the man sounded familiar, he paused and then turned around and closed the door. You blushed madly and closed your robe quickly, "I-um-uh..." You couldn't speak you were to flustered to, Duke laughed heartily "well that was the first." He spoke after basically coughong out his lung. You looked down in embarresment. You had a sudden realization "wait...." You blinked a couple of times and "where are my actual clothes..." You questioned, you are an idiot for not knowing earlier You were scared and to focused on other things than your own clothing, You look back at the still chuckling Duke "I'm glad you found my Humiliation hilarious." You spoke kindly but irritated "I am not laughing at your humiliation (Y/N) for I am simply laughing to Lord Heisenbergs." Your expression changed that is the man who saved you? You didn't even get a good look at him. "I'm sorry Duke. I should have found some place else to heal my wound." You bowed slightly "oh no, do not apologize I have not laughed that hard in quite sometime, I must thank you for that." You smiled, you haven't had this much kindness in quite some time and You have grown fond of The Dukes Company, he is a delight. "No Duke, I thank you." The Duke looked a little taken back "why thank me?" He asked kindly "Your kindness has been over joyful, I can't even tell you how grateful i am to your company." You explain, "why, such kind words of you good (Y/N)" Duke bowed his head. "Now I really must go, I have taken much of your time." You spoke as you open the door to leave "Oh! Do please sell whatever values you find to me and I shall compensate you well, there are some in the village." The Duke called to you, you turn around "treasures?" Your interest spark "indeed, I shall give you a map to find what you are looking for, most of them are in the Lords Territory so do be careful." He holds out a map, "If I cross them I shall return and give them to you." You spoke and you went back to the door waved your goodbyes and walked out of the room, you bumped into something "oh so-" you stopped yourself, it was the man, Lord Heisenberg himself, had he been wait for you the whole time. "You.." He spoke your heart sank, he was a lot taller than you, as you stand 5'3 1/2 he was tall, you look up to his face.

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