The castle.

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You had woken up, It was cold and you were freezing, the ground was covered in snow, you shook, you had no idea how long you were out but you saw that it was becoming either morning or Getting darker. The trees towered over you, baren. You felt something warm wrap you, soon something started to move itself under your back then under your legs. You felt like you were being lifted, a steady breathe against your rugged breathe, "well now. What are you doing out here?" You heard a man say, The voice sounded muffled, the man had a slight southern accent, like a cowboy. You knew you were being carried, you swinged in the mans arms as he walked. You felt dizzy in pain, it hurt so much, the shrapnel that stuck in your side hurt so badly.

You woke up to see a doll that was in a bride outfit looking down at you curiously a gasp escaped your mouth and you tried to sit up but you were strapped to the bed "hehehe, you can't escape." The doll spoke happily and she giggled "what is this? Why am I strapped to the bed?" You asked "also why can you talk?" You watch the doll curiously, The doll cackled "Mother Miranda Gave me a gift now i can talk." She cackled "wha-who's Mother Miranda?" You ask "hoohoohoo, your not from around here!" The doll spoke. "Mother miranda is a powerful woman, she's the lord of lords." She spoke, "This mother miranda, i bet she's a good woman." You spoke, You were confused and scared, you didn't want to displease anyone. "The doll happily jumped around "she's the best, she our queen" she jumped in joy. You smiled, Childish joy, you enjoyed that. You looked at the doll "do you... Have a name?" You asked her she stopped and looked at you, "they call me Angie, I belong to lord beneviento." You nod, "another question." You spoke, you needed to keep yourself distracted, you were in pain due to your wound. "when will i get out of these, I'm-I'm in lots of pain..." Your face felt hot your nose stung and your eyes stung with tears. You sniffle, you just wanted to go home it was difficult the leather straps weren't coming off any time soon and you knew it. The doll Angie giggled "It depends." Angie climbed off "w-will you let me know?" At this point tears were streaming down your face, the pain was starting to become unbearable, "Yeah, yeah, I'll see about it" Angies voice was High pitch and sounded like a child that had been smoking since the age of 2. You giggled to yourself at that thought when Angie left the room, You were hungry, no doubt about that. You were really craving some steak with some mashed potatoes, it sounded really nice. You lay calmly on the bed the Bed covers covered the straps but you knew it was leather, you decided to decide against fighting against the straps, even if you escaped you didnt know your way around and you didn't know how to fight, all you knew was to cook and clean, maybe as repayment you could work for who ever saved you. The door opened after a while, it felt like forever since Angie left, you first saw a black Hat and then someone came through the door, the woman had to duck to go through the door. The woman had pale skin, red luscious lips, she wore a white dress and black gloves, when she got all the way into the room She looked straight at you " Ah you must be the one My younger brother saved." The woman spoke " Don't know who you're talking about." You spoke truthfully. The woman looked at you unamused "I'm sure you have heard of Heisenberg?" The woman spoke again, so the man known as Heisenberg saved you, maybe once you meet him in person you may thank him. You shook your head. "I'm not from here... I'm from another state." You spoke quietly. You looked over the lady " you look...very.. Beautiful..." You looked away shy. The lady's face changed she smiled widely, "why.. Thats awfully kind of you to say. What's your name Mortal?" You looked at her ,Mortal?, "My name is (Y/N) It's a pleasure to meet you ma' am." You spoke, you decided it was in your best judgement to leave the staement be. "I am known as Lady Dimitrescu I own this castle." You felt shaky Not because of Lady Dimitrescu, you knew exactly why you are shaky. "Lady Dimitrescu, May I ask of something?" You ask her you were starving and you hate to have to ask her something. Lady Dimitrescu nodded "I am hungry, I would like to get something to eat, I will not escape, I dare not to." You spoke truthfully, they had allowed you to stay, they saved you, you weren't about to pay them back by being rude and inconsiderate. Lady Dimitrescu looked like she was thinking it over she gave you a smirk, "your kindness has been noticeable, so I will agree to unstrap you." She walked to you, Her size was noticeably Tall as she towered over you, "Behave or I snap you in two child." Her voice dropped severely and Your heart dropped, you didn't dare want to test if she would.

You reached the Kitchen, it was difficult to find the kitchen, you had no clue how big the castle was you searched the kitchen for food but sadly didn't find any. Your stomach growled of protest and you took it upon yourself to walk the halls of the castle, the interior was white with golden intricacies on the walls vases in the corners of the castle, some drawers here and there, you stared in awe of your hosts place "wow.." You just imagined yourself listening to music and dancing to it, a silly thought, you didn't think rock music fit with the castle, due to the castles elegancy, A large smile crossed your face as you twirled around. You hear the sound of feet shuffling and you stopped and looked you saw a head poking out from the corner of the wall the man wore black and you only saw a small bit of his eye, the man had sickly green skin from the look of it "you can come out you know." You spoke, softly to the man, he gasped and fully hid behind the wall. You carefully walked to the wall and peeked He whimpered slightly and went into a corner "aw, hey you don't need to be afraid." You kept your voice low and soothing, trying desperately to not cry from the pain you were experiencing, the mans stance was hunched and he avoided you eyes. "I'm (Y/N) what about you?" You asked "(Y/N)....Nice.. Name." His voice was low and deep. "Call me Moreau.." The man named Moreau Spoke, again, "that is a nice name as well, say Moreau, where can I get food, I'm starving..." You asked. Moreau pointed to a door you nodded to to your friend, and walked to the door opening it.

You Poor Soul (Heisenberg X Reader)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz