Chapter Two

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Tendou smiled over at the person before him before going to grab some paperwork from the back. He graciously made his way around the counter while Suga showed the potential employee to a booth in the back of the small café. As Tendou returned he first went over to Suga to discuss the paperwork and the potential questions to ask, as well as to grab himself a coffee to take over. "Tendou, you do know who he is right?" Suga whispered to his friend and manager as Tendou whistled happily to himself making a drink. "Tendou you can't be serious if you tell me you don't know who he is..." Suga sighed placing his hands on his hips accusatorily as Tendou turned around to face Suga holding his freshly brewed coffee.

"Not the foggiest." The redhead grinned happily at the drop in his friends expression, changing from one that was challenging Tendou, to this new dumbfounded look. "Can you come over and ask if he would like a drink, we can talk about this later." He smiled before leaving the stunned Sugawara watching as Tendou walked across the bakery to where Ushijima was sat looking around the café. His eyes searching each wall to get a real feel for the place. The bakery was quaint and definitely more on the quirky side. 

For the most part the bakery followed a pastel peach colour scheme, with cartoonish cute monsters scattering the walls, having been hand painted and illustrated onto the walls. Tendou decided it would add character as well as offer him peace of mind after being called a monster for a good majority of his life. His dessert inspired monsters around the place were not scary, they weren't terrifying or malevolent. They were simply different and cute. Being a monster was something that once plagued Tendou and when the opportunity arose to build more of himself into his little shop, he didn't want to waste the moment. 

He threw a friendly smile onto his face as intrigue crawled around his brain, wanting to know more about this unusual character before him. Suga finally came over after Tendou had sat down, laying the paperwork before himself and sitting a pen down on the desk as he sipped happily on his coffee. It was nice to use this opportunity in the quiet as a small break, distracting himself from upcoming orders. The excitement of a new employee was his driving force, it had been a while since they'd had the privilege to operate with a team of three. "Hello, so I'm Tendou and I'm the owner and manager." Tendou offered his hand over the table for the new character to shake, despite having introduced himself before he felt it would be appropriate to initiate the small interview. His hand was taken in the larger mans grasp, his strong hands encasing the bakers as he offered another firm strong handshake. "Can Suga get you a drink or any sort of snack. I know this is an interview but if you want a drink or cake don't worry about asking for them." He beamed, it was always a privilege of offer someone food.

Ushijima shook his head courteously in response, politely declining the offer and giving the queue for Suga to return to the counter and await any further customers. Ushijima besides looking like a blank slate had removed his hands to underneath the table, hiding his nervous fidgeting as he stared at the redhead. "So let me tell you a little bit about the bakery, my pride and joy and then we can get into any questions after that if that's ok." Tendou smiled, finally having someone to gush about his bakery to. He was a little out of practice when it came to interviewing people, the advert had been in the window for about six months, with very few people showing interest due to the eccentricity of the place. A lot of high schoolers were intimidated by Tendou which put them off working there, and most young adults and adults wanted either fulltime work or something that paid a little extra than the minimum wage. Finally having someone show interest made Tendou excited, the glee almost too much to the point he wasn't sure he could hide the beaming smile on his face.

"So I've been running the bakery for a little over two years and in that time she's undergone a bit of an evolution from just being a basic bakery to the little slice of escapism that you've walked into today." Tendou started his little speech, ready to entice the potential staff member before him. If he wanted to earn the opportunity to wear the pastel blue apron then he would need to experience the same welcoming buzz that all the current and even previous employees had felt towards Knead Bread. "And in the future I'm sure we will continue to evolve, who knows maybe five years from now we could be a cat café bakery in one." Tendou spent the next five minutes, passionately explaining how the rota for the small bakery worked, holidays, pay, and discussing favourite desserts with Ushijima who despite his cold first impression was beginning to slowly warm up to the bakery concept as well as the talkative boy opposite him. With Ushijima having a cold personality, it often meant conversations felt awkward or lacklustre. However, the passionate redhead opposite him had no problem dominating the conversation in order to keep things flowing. 

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