Start from the beginning

Outside their little bubble, the world was filled with people who looked down upon them; who steered clear of them because they couldn't understand them.

And that was okay, because they understood each other.

At the very beginning, it had been just the three of them. Taehyung, Namjoon and Yoongi. Back in the day, the trio had actually managed to make the people around them jealous of how they always had each other's backs. They'd spent countless nights sneaking around, getting into trouble and having fun, just the three of them.

Until one day when Jungkook came along. That's when they became four.

Taehyung still remembered how the young boy was so afraid of everything when he first met them. He had been so nervous, so terrified of his new surroundings.

Yoongi and Taehyung met in the corridor the second they heard about the new boy. "How about we sneak into his room at night and..."

Taehyung immediately shook his head at Yoongi's suggestion. "What if he freaks out and wakes everybody up? We're gonna get in trouble again. Let's just go up to him, right now."

"Hey, you." Yoongi's voice boomed as soon as they neared the kid. "What's your name?" Taehyung could barely hold back his laughter as his friend put on his scary face. Poor kid.


"Jungkook what?"

"Jeon Jungkook, S-Sir."

When the boy stuttered, Taehyung couldn't control himself anymore and let a small snort escape him causing Yoongi to break character too. But the smiles were quickly wiped off their faces when they saw tears welling up in Jungkook's eyes.

It was at that moment that they decided to take the kid in and make him a part of their little family. Jungkook had softened their hearts; he made the trio want to trust people again. If it wasn't for him, Taehyung would never have been able to complete his family.

In fact, it was thanks to the boy that they met the other three at all.

Once, they had found Jimin trying to pick on Jungkook and they had been ready to fight him tooth and nail. But Jimin wasn't alone either. Hoseok and Jin had stepped in for him, trying to solve things... and that was it.

Starting that day, the seven of them were inseparable.

They knew they were damaged. Like every other human being on this planet, those boys had skeletons in their closets and a tiny box of horrors locked up in a corner of their brains. But that's exactly why they'd worked—they were aware of their flaws and helped each other overcome them.

It was like Namjoon had always said—the seven of them were in a boat. And even though they faced different directions, each facing a different horror, they were still headed to the same place, the same goal.

But, somehow, the six of them reached the shore without Taehyung. Somehow, they left him behind.

After a decade of loneliness and negligence, those boys had come into Taehyung's life like a rainbow on a stormy day. The time he had spent with them was the most alive he had ever felt.
Until it all went wrong, and they left just as quickly as they had come.

Taehyung laid back on the snow, still unbothered by the iciness biting into his skin through the thin material of his shirt. His mind wandered to a different place now...

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