Episode 2: The Amazing Peterman

Start from the beginning

"Do you think I can atleast do 3 flips to reach the balcony in the common room floor?" Peter asked the Princess while still looking down from the edge of the Tower.

"Peter, that's a stupid idea." Shuri said, the audience and the Avengers relaxed a little as the Princess has enough common sense to not encourage the teen to do the stunt.

Peter looked at Shuri, his hair being blown by the wind. Shuri started walking towards Peter, enough to film the balcony in the common room floor. The camera move back to Peter's face.

"Do it." The Princess ordered Peter. He gave the camera probably the widest grin he could muster and began to ready himself to jump. He jump off of the tower doing 3 back flips, landed on the balcony safely, he stumbled a little bit because he quickly looked back at Shuri. Peter raised two of his fist before both teens cheered in joy.

"Miss Potts saw me, she was there in the common room working. She was not very happy and now I'm grounded." Peter said while directly looking at the camera.

"She even confiscated my lightsaber." he continued as he pouts in front of the camera.

The Avengers looked worriedly at the screen, when Bruce looked at Tony, he saw him looking wide eye at the screen chest not moving.

"Tony! Breath!" Bruce don't know who between the father-son duo he should be worried about. He shakes Tony's shoulder getting him to at least response to him. The other Avengers tried to help Tony to regain back his breathing. Tony doesn't know how to feel at the moment, he was both mad and worried to form the words he want to say.

The scene was cut to montage of Peter looking frantically inside a room and then the lab. He grab his hair and started pulling it.

"Where is it? I can't loose it?" He muttered to himself.

"What seems to be the problem, Peter?" The AI asked the teen, sounding concerned to see the teens behavior.

"My essay, I just wrote it down on some scratch papers and I don't have any other copy. Ms. F.R.I.D.A.Y., I can't loose it, I can't even remember half of what I wrote, I still need to transfer it to a clean piece of paper. It's a 5 page essay and I need it for tomorrow. Ms. F.R.I.D.A.Y., I can't fail English, Aunt May would be disappointed and the school already notified Aunt May about me falling asleep in some of my classes. I can't have the school call her again. She's already busy and tired with work. Ms. F.R.I.D.A.Y., what am I gonna do?" Peter was about to cry, you can see how glassy his eyes are as the tears are threatening to fall and his voice was already shaking.

"Not to worry Peter, base on the security cameras, you left it at the common room coffee table, however, Thor's hammer seems to be on top of it." Once the AI mentioned the location of his missing essay, Peter immediately bolted to the common room. In the rush of the moment Peter almost crashed into some of the Avengers. Upon reaching the common room, Peter easily lifted the hammer and took his essay, he continuesly thanked the AI; unaware of what he did, he just rushed back to the room he was staying.

The scene change again to Peter running towards the common room and then tripping on Mjölnir. The teen glared at the hammer, he put it aside not wanting anyone to trip like he did and muttering why the God of Thunder just leaves his hammer anywhere in the Tower.

The scene was cut and then showed the kitchen where Peter looking through the cabinets. When he opened the third cabinet on the left, he took the Mjölnir out then took three Pop-tarts and put the hammer back on top of the box. There were more small clips of Peter casually lifting and playing around with the hammer; oblivious to what wielding hammer means.

"It is I, Thor! Son of Odin" Peter said while looking at the mirror holding the Mjölnir doing his best impersonation of the God of Thunder and making his voice deeper.

The audience and the host doesn't know why the avengers looked surprise and why their jaws are dropping.

"Peter, Son of Stark is worthy! I shall take him to Asgard and teach him to rule beside me!" Thor shouted very loudly all of the sudden.

"He is worthy?" The host asked curiously waiting for one of the Avengers to explain what is happening.

"Only those who are worthy can lift Mjölnir. Whoever can lift the hammer is worthy to rule Asgard and possess the power of the Thunder god. No one but Odin, Thor and me can lift Mjölnir, I am considered as an AI and also an artificial life so I do not count, Captain Rogers however can slightly move the hammer." Vision explained to the host.

"It's a magic hammer" Scott said, still shock how Peter was just playing with the hammer like it's some nunchucks.

Same with the first episode everyone waited if the second episode have an ending credit scene. To their delight the screen showed the avenger sitting in common room with a box filled with cut out papers. The moment Peter entered the room, Clint drag him to the coffee table.

"Want to join us?" Clint ask excitedly. The teen smiled and agreed to whatever the avengers were doing. Tony then shaked the box filled with cut out piece of papers.

"What we have here is the weekend challenge everyone," Tony started explaining, everyone in the common room cheered. "Here in this box contains the most cliché and cheesiest pickup lines known to man kind. The mission is to say this line to anyone in the tower, to whoever or whatever it is, you have to say it within the end of the weekend, in the Tower where F.R.I.D.A.Y. can see and hear you. Our judges are my darling Pepper Potts, grumpy-pants Happy, my honeybear Rhodey, the Agent Maria Hill and surprisingly enough Pirate Patchy! F.R.I.D.A.Y., will send the footage to our judges. The criteria in judging is delivery and effectivity of the pickup line. Now, everyone get a piece! Chop, chop!" Tony continued his explanation and move around so the avengers and Peter can get a piece.

The scene was cut to where the avengers where sitting in couch in the common room, with a big box on top of the coffee table.

"The winner of the Pickup-line weekend challenge is Peter!" The AI said happily, everyone had their jaw drop. "Your prize was crossed out from you wishlist, Peter. Do enjoy your prize." F.R.I.D.A.Y finished. Peter opened the box revealing a big lego set.

The screen went black and the question was typed in to the screen. 'What was Peter's pickup-line?'

Cut to the scene where Peter was smiling closely to the camera. Peter looked like he just woke up, his hair was very curly and his voice is still hoarse. His hand was on the wall as if trapping someone. The avengers thought that Peter actually practiced for this challenge but they were wrong.

"What's an AI like you doing in a place like this?" and smiled adorably in front of the camera.

"He said that to F.R.I.D.A.Y.? He told an AI a pickup line and he won? How?" Bucky said in disbelief.

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