1: Babe

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Would things be easier if there was a right way?
Honey there is no right way

12th July

Joey woke up to the familiar glow of the Los Angeles sun shining through the gap in his curtains, decorating his bedroom in a warm orange. His eyes squinted in response to the brightness of the natural light as his body slowly got used to the morning setting. He rubbed the sleep out of his eyes, groaning a little as he became more and more aware of the day. His bed sheets crinkled around him as he started to move, forcing himself awake. The intrusive sounds of traffic could be heard outside of his window just like every morning; his own little alarm clock.

Joey had dark, brunette hair that cut off just below his ears and was often pushed messily away from his face. The lower half of his jaw was covered lightly in stubble that was purposefully intended to be there. His kind eyes were like swirls of espresso that pulled you in and warmed you in a way that the drink would. He stretched his arms above his head, tensing his muscles at the same time so the biceps appeared. Joey never really worked out, because he didn't have the time, but was blessed with a toned body from previous rent-paying jobs that required a lot of heavy lifting.

He was an attractive young man in his late twenties with a smile that melted hearts.

Joey could smell the rich scent of coffee and, as the bedroom door swiftly opened and his attention was brought over to the doorway where his girlfriend Addison stood with a mug in her hand, he realised that's what his senses had picked up on.

"Morning babe," She smiled and made her way over to his side of the bed, putting the drink down on the bedside table and bending down to catch his lips in a quick kiss.

Joey matched her smile and shuffled a little on the bed so he could rest against the wall behind him, trying to wake himself up properly but still very much feeling the tiredness in his brain. He lifted the steaming mug from next to him and sipped some of the liquid before setting it down again as the girl sat herself down on the bed by his legs. "Morning Addy."

He ran a hand through his untidy, dark hair as Addison pulled her phone out of her back pocket and began scrolling through the addictive screen. His eyes ran innocently over her appearance, still smug that this had been his girlfriend for the last ten months.

Addison had long blonde hair, which usually lay straight but today was curled in waves around her face. Makeup covered and accentuated her stunning features, in a heavy but tasteful way, and Joey watched as her filled in eyebrows furrowed into a frown at something she just caught sight of on her phone. Her agile legs crossed over one another modestly as her eyes pierced into her social media feed. She was the type of girl who would wear white clothes and gold jewellery without a worry of ruining either, as if that would even be a possibility.

She had a chic modern style that not only showed off how good she was at dressing herself but also flattered her slim, athletic-like figure. The girl had elven features that at first glance could make your heart flutter, but if you upset that pretty face they would quickly shift into an icy stare that could make even the bravest person question themselves.

A stare Joey had witnessed one too many times.

As he was staring at her, not realising how long it had been after his thoughts slowly descended into hundreds of irrelevant things, Addison suddenly looked up from her phone and caught him.

She smirked and threw her hair behind her shoulder. "Very subtle, babe." She said sarcastically and stood up from the bed, her weight balanced on one leg so her hip was popped out in a pose. "You need to get up; you've got work in an hour." She said, one eyebrow raised, and smiled at him again before leaving the room once more.

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