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"OKAY TOM, if you don't calm down in the next 3 seconds I swear Nick isn't the only one that's killing." Tubbo threatened.

"Ha, okay. How about one of you go upstairs and get THE KEYS TO GET US OUT!" Wilbur insisted.

"Tubbo, go up stairs and look for the keys to get everyone out."
I watched Tubbo run upstairs, I looked down and well he was gonna wake up any second now.

"Once he wakes up I'm beating the shit out of her," Tommy muttered.

"Not if he throws you across the room first," Wilbur commented.

"I found the keys!" Tubbo handed me some keys and we un-cuffed everyone.

"Thanks, hey maybe check if he has anything on him?" Wilbur asked. I nodded and walk towards Nick.
I checked his pockets to see if he had anything important on him, and... [*a note* 'Mark']. "Nope, nothing." I say shoving the note in my pocket.
"Alright, now we have to keep him knocked out or else he'll kill us with his magic shit." Tommy said.
"Wilbur and Ranboo will take Nick, and Phil call for help or something." We both walked towards Nick and Will threw him over his shoulder and carried him. I know I should help but Will's strong. "Alright lets go strong guy," I laugh patting him on the back.

We walked upstairs and I heard Phil on the phone, "okay, thanks see you soon."

"So cops coming?"

"Nope Techno,"

"What!" Will said shocked.

"Yeah, well we can't call anyone else, what are we gonna say 'Hey someone with fucking powers kidnapped us and wants to kill us.' Do you think they will believe us?!"

"My brother is here? Wha-"

"You mean OUR brother. AND WHAT THE FUCK DAD! I could've gotten a text from my brother at least" Tommy commented crossing his arms.

I laugh and say "Right, so what we gonna do with him?"

"We could take him back to Will's house and we can interrogate him." Tubbo suggested.

"your right, so how do we keep him from using his powers and blasting us and shit." tommy asks.

"I know how, we wait for techno to come and then we go with Toby's plan." Kristen added.
(Time Skip)

"BIG T!" I watch the front window come down and I see Techno.

"Tommy!" Techno he said sarcastically, rolling his eyes.

"Techno." Will hissed.

"The one and only, come on in lil bro" he said teasingly.

"ONLY BY A FEW MINUTES-" they bickered for a few minutes which lightened up to mood since, well you know...

(time skip to parked outside the house :])

"Are you insane? That is a terrible idea, we don't know what shit he can do." Techno argued.

"I know but now we have Ranboo with his powers that can do stuff now!" Will whispered.

"He hasn't even tried anything, he still needs to learn how to use them. He can't just go in and fight, you'll put him in danger!" Techno loudly whispered.

"We can help him!"

"How are we supposed so help some dumb kid who isn't prepared!" I froze. He was right, how will I protect anyone... silence slowly filled my mind, the only thing I could hear were my thoughts. Those words 'dumb kid' I have heard them all my life and it's true. I'm a freak. I just felt so many emotions, ah I just can't with this anymore it's to much.

(Tubbo POV)

"Techno! Don't say that." I yell.
"guys! Look outside..." I turned towards the window and... "Shit."
"TUBBO IT'S RANBOO HE'S CAUSING IT! CALM HIM DOWN OR ELSE WE WON'T MAKE IT OUT ALIVE" Phil was right, it's him. What am I gonna do, tell him to calm down? No he'll freak out even more. Um I'll just try and talk to him first.

"Hey boo its alright," I hold his hands and got pushed back slightly from the sudden bolt of energy. "ah" I mumbled. I lifted my hand and my hand started to bleed. But nothing changed, no response, I saw tears in his eyes. I have to help him.
"ranboo, Ranboo... RANBOO!" Fuck it. I have to.

(Ranboo POV)

"ranboo, Ranboo... RANBOO" I looked up but only to be meet with lips on mine. Who's? and why now? The only thing I do know is that I was felt it all go away. I felt the person pull away, I finally came back down to reality and saw him.
"Holy fuck, fire didn't reach us, we are alright" Tommy said.
"what happened?"
"There was a ring of like fire around us getting closer and closer. You seemed upset so we knew we had to calm you down and-"

"And then you decide to kiss me?! Really!" Great just when I was getting rid of these feelings, I turn to grab the car door and mumble, "Lets just get Nick into the basement," I opened to door and walked out towards the trunk.
"Come on Ranboo, I'm sorry, I didn't know you would react like this! I didn't know what else to do"
I turned around and faced Tubbo, "Didn't know what else to do? DIDN'T KNOW WHAT ELSE TO DO! REALLY, YOU COULD'VE DONE ANYTHING ELSE!"

"I TRIED TO SAVE OUR LIVES RANBOO!" He says, grabbing his hand.
"WELL NEXT TIME TRY NOT PLAYING WITH MY FEELINGS! DO YOU KNOW HOW DIFFICULT IT IS TRYING TO-" I stop myself and realized if I say this, all I tried avoiding will just not matter anymore. I turn towards Techno who stood with everyone else,
"We have to do this now. and together, you guys aren't the only ones in danger anymore." 'He's right, whatever just happened between me and Tubbo is not as important. I'll talk to him later'
"lets just get this done before he wakes up."

Hi everyone here is the new chapter :] Hope y'all enjoy this one, have a nice day/night <3

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