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A/n: Hi guys! I just want to steal a little of time from your reading to thank you all for the amazing and wholesome comments I'm getting here. You guys are amazing so I want to dedicate my birthday to give a small gift that is this chapter.

As always, I hope you enjoy your reading and thank you for sticking with me ❤️


On the moment that Emma crossed the orphanage's door with Ray, it wasn't too long until she was crushed in a hug by all the tearful children than had came to greet her, surprised and excited to see their sister back with them.

"Emma! You're back!" She heard Shelly, who hugged her by the waist, her hug so tight it almost squeezed her.

Looking back at the child, Emma gave her a bright smile, ruffling with her hair "I am! But it's not permanently. You can consider it a short stay again.

Allowing the children to properly greet her and then proceeding to lead the younger ones to another room so they would be entertained while being in the warmth of the halls, there only stayed the younger adults of the place, gathered in one of the tables of the cafeteria with one cup of hot chocolate in front of each of them.

"Your return was not really that expected Emma. Everyone missed you." Gilda pointed out as she cleaned the blurriness that the puffs of smoke from the hot chocolate resulted in when in contact with her glasses, using the edges of her white shirt to clean up for the third in the past half-hour.

"I know but knowing the state Mama's in I just couldn't ignore it and rushed here again, at least until I'm sure Mama's okay."

"It was really nice of your adoptive family to have let you come back on your own. I mean, even worse when they knew that Ray went to grab you. It almost seems like a lovesick fool that went to grab you with the lame excuse and you two proceeding to leave the country or whatever."

"Actually... I wasn't really adopted." Emma confessed, dismissing Don's playful joke in the situation "It's a long story..."

And then she proceeded to explain that instead of a family, she was sent to be engaged to Norman, deciding with Mama to go and not giving any struggle with her decision.

She briefly told them what had happened in the past half-year, smiling fondly at the memories and that fact wasn't dismissed by any of them. However, as much as she felt good reminding how nicely Norman had treated her, she still kept the most intimate moments to herself, as well as being careful to not spill Norman's curse as she knew how he repulsed his part of his.

As she reminded herself of the good times she spent with Norman, she stared at her drink, the reminders of how tenderly he hugged her back when they were alone sitting in front of the fireplace with their own mugs of the same hot drink returned to her.

She saw how her melancholic smile disappears in the reflection of the cup and she has the need to take a long breath as she felt something wet running down her cheek.

"Emma?" She heard Ray's voice calling out, breaking her out of her trail of thoughts and looking up at the small group gathered, just for them to notice how teary her eyes were starting to get "Why are you crying?"

"I-" The ginger-haired looked as shocked as them, bringing her hand to her cheek to indeed confirm the trail of the tear that had escaped. She didn't fully understand why she had that kind of reaction, it didn't even pass a full day since she had last seen Norman yet it had seemed just distant memories and the thought of them caused her so many mixed emotions that made her heart tightening but she didn't want to concern her family so she tried to give them the best smile she could make in the moment "I'm just happy to see you all again."

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