❤️Abyss? - Selever x Angel!Reader🌸

En başından başla

Probably non-existent..

You still feel tired so you go back to sleep, you can worry about all of this later.

(hello hello, time for a POV change)
•Selever's POV•

I poke the random angel who somehow appeared in the nothing world, how the hell did this dum fuck even get here?

Must've pulled a lot of strings

Damn.. wonder how they're still an angel then

"Hey Rasazy. How the fuck do you think this angel got here?"

Rasazy just stared back at me

"Hm.. I have no idea, it doesn't really make sense but maybe some sort of power got them into a parallel universe making them all mixed up?"

Thinking about it.. I guess that could make sense.

Either way i'm tired of them sleeping on the floor

I shouted
I started shaking them, if that didn't work I swear i'm going to kick them.

•Your (kind of 2nd person?? Heh.) POV•

You hear someone shouting at you to wake up shaking you violently, jeez, if they wanted to wake you up they could at least do it nicely.

You groan a little and shove em off going back to sleep, using your wings like a blanket.

"Oh. My. Fucking. GOD!"

You felt a pain in your side and move your hand there to protect it.

He kicked you-!

They continued to shout

Finally opening your eyes you turn over to them and give them a glare, your vision being hazy though, you were unable to see who it was.

As your vision came back you saw horns

'Wait-' 'horns? Is this the demon I saw before?? How am I not dead-'

Questions began flooding your mind till the demon snaps you out of it

"..you seem pretty confused, i'm assuming you have no idea how you got here either?"
He gives a sigh,
"And i'm assuming you would want some explanations?"

You nod your head

"Heh, like hell i'm gonna give them to you, you won't be here for long anyways so why should you know?"
He had a smug look on his face and you just glared at him.

"Well thank you for nothing I guess. Is anyone else here??"

"I already told you i'm not answering any of your questions.."
He paused
"But yes, my sister Rasazy is here with me as well."

He looks over at 'Rasazy' giving a small smile.

Wow for seeming to me a rude.. refrain from being unholy Y/N.. demon. He seemed to care for his sister, even if you just kind of met him now-

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