A new year. New surprises

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Naruto POV

Summer were always the best. Except for the troublesome homework, as Shikamaru often saids. Between dates and going out, Harry started sleep peacefully but the dream he had, wasn't a good sign. Voldemort was planning something and we need to be prepared. Whatever it was. Something was definitely happing, if the looks of Sirius and my mom was giving us. Both were aurors and work at ministry, knowing something we don't.

"So, what the hell is happening this year?" I asked my mom

"Sorry Naruto, can't tell you" said my mom. I pouted but I was ignored.

"Can you at least give us a clue?" Asked Harry

"Sorry pronglest, but no" said Sirius "and Naruto, don't try to use your animagus form to spy on us, I will detect you"

"Darn it" I said. Both my mom and Sirius laughted at my failed attempt of getting information.

"Any way" said Harry "when is the baby going to be born?"

"Well, is for the end of October" said my mom "are you anxious for your new brother or sister?"

"Of course!" Harry and I said. Sirius been his godfather, my mother been his aunt, removed three times at least and his cousin, he would became a cousin like me but at same time, a brother.

"Well, you will be allowed to come see him or her when he or she is born" Sirius said "I already talk to Dumbledore and Mcgonagall. They have no problem"

"Well, that's a relief" said Harry. There was a poof and Dobby appared on the kitchen, where we were having breakfast.

"Dobby has come to tell you that friends have arrived!" Dobby said happily

"Thanks Dobby" I said "I can't wait to see that quidditch match tomorrow!"

"Us either" said Sirius and Kushina. Just in that moment, Hedwig fly throw the window and delivered our school letters.

"Well, they are early" said Harry as he grabbed his and passed me mine. I open my letter and I was reading it. Interesting books. "No way!!!!" Said Harry happily making us jump.

"What's up pup?" Asked  Sirius. Harry show him part of his letter and Sirius squeak like fan-girl.

"Can you bakas tell us what's going on?" Asked Kushina annoyed

"I am quidditch capitan!!!!" Squeak Harry happily

"Wait, what!" I said as I took the letter from Sirius, who started to dance

"Bloody hell!!!" I said, only to receive a slap behind my head, courtesy of Sakura

"Language!!!" She said "and why is Sirius so happy?"

"I am quidditch capitan!!!!" Harry said happy

"Congratulations mate!" Said Ron "that's awesome!"

"That's amazing, Harry!" Said Ginny as she hug him "this is the second best thing it happened!"

"Come on, kids" said Sirius "we need to get ready for tomorrow"

"But aren't we going to Ron's house?" Harry asked

"Yes, but we still need to get ready" said Kushina "tomorrow we have to leave early. The porkeys are there for all of us"

"I hate porkeys" mumbled Harry. Ron and I burst into laughter, annoying Harry at the same time.

"We hate them too, Harry" said Ron "come on, mom is very anxious to see his future son in law again". Harry and Ginny blushed a crimson red, while Ron, Sirius, Kushina and I burst into laughter at those words

Next chapter the Quidditch World Cup

AN: as Draco is good in this story, Sasuke will became the evil one. Meaning, he will joined Voldemort for power to kill Itachi, after all, he only needs the killing curse and he is done, but the price would be high, so he sees voldy-pants as great opportunity for power.

A ninja who choose to be a wizard book 4: HPGOFWhere stories live. Discover now