World Quidditch Cup and attack of Death eaters

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As my fellow PTB member would say, waking up some early, was troublesome. Having Harry wake up suddenly and scared once again, was scarier, as he shouldn't do that again, as Ginny killed the damn horcrux. So why?.

"It's a memory" said Naruto as we continue to walk "your mind is telling us something is wrong"

"You think something is going to happen?" Harry asked Naruto

"The snake is planning something" said Naruto "why can't we have a normal year?". We all laughted at that.

"So, who do thing will win?" Asked George Weasley

"I say Ireland but Krum will caught the snitch" said Fred

"No way!" I said "I say Bulgaria will win"

"I have to agree with Fred, Ron" said Naruto "the chacers of the Bulgaria are not that good as well as Ireland seekers is bad compare to Krum"

"Well, we will see who wins!" I said as we went to where the porkey was.

Harry POV

Just as the twins predicted, Ireland was given a beat down to Bulgaria until Krum caught the snitch, putting Bulgaria out of their misery. But Krum was very good seeker and I knew now why Ron was one of his fans. Naruto was also right, as the chacers of  Ireland were extremely good while the Bulgarian's ones were bad compare to them. Also, Ireland seeker was really bad compare to Krum. As people celebrate Ireland's victory, that's when I heard it. An explosion coming from outside.

"What was that?" Asked Ginny worried. I went to her, as her father went outside, only to return, scared and shaking.

"We need to go, now!!!" He said "Bill and Charlie, take care your brothers and sisters as well as the others. Percy, with me!"

"Of course father" said Bill. We all went outside and that's when we saw them. The masks and the black robes.

"Who are they?" Naruto asked

"Death eaters" said Sirius with disgust as he joined us "we need to go, now!"

"What are they doing?" Naruto asked suddenly. We turn around and to our horror, they were torturing a muggle family. Before anyone could stop him, Naruto turn into his fox animagus and went there at fast speed.

"Did he just....?" Percy started, just as I turn into a lion and went to help. Naruto was battling a small death eater and I stun one who was about to attack from behind, making him curse.

"Potter, you filthy half-blood!!!" Said the death eater

"I am a proud half-blood!" I said as I shot a petrificus totalus, he dodge it and shot a reducto at me

"Protego maxima!!!" Said a voice behind me. It was Ginny and she didn't look very happy with me

"You will pay for that, blood traitor!!" Said the death eater

"Expulso!!!" Said Naruto. His spell hit his target, making him fly and crashed with my opponent "Harry, Ginny, let's get out before more come!. I already help the muggle family and erase their memories!".

"Right!" Ginny and I said as we run out of there. But just in that moment, there was an explosion from behind us, making us fly and lose consciousness. I felt as someone was shaking me

"Harry, wake up!" Said the voice of Naruto "come on!"

"What happened?" I asked

"The cowards shot a firework box close to us" Naruto answered "I manage to create a shield but we were send flying by the force of it"

"Ginny?" I said

"I fine, Harry" said Ginny as went towards me. Just then I saw a familiar face looking at us but where have I see him?

Hide!" I said then suddenly. As went behind a ruined tent, we saw someone shot a spell towards the sky. When we saw it, we knew it was something bad. Something was happening with Voldemort and we didn't know what.

AN: One of you suggested that Naruto is also selected as a champion. Not a bad idea but the question is if in the final task, Naruto goes with Harry and Cedric. Voldemort will learn a bad lesson there, as Harry is protected even more than that he doesn't have his soul. Also, even if is a long way to get there, Cedric will die. Not that I hate him or I don't like him. Harry needs that trauma to learn that Voldemort needs to he stop, before is too late.

A ninja who choose to be a wizard book 4: HPGOFHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin