✨😏Helping Electric x Michael sail 😏✨

Start from the beginning

Lizzy run in too and sqealled and chris came in and grabbed my arm and Lizzy's arm and tried to pull us out. I wined and looked at nikki who was blushing really hard.  "Nikki help my boyfriend is taking me away!" I said sadly. She look at me and sighs.

  I watched her lift her arm and pick me up and put me next to her on micheal's bed. Chris looked at her ferrous. I giggled and said "aww, don't worry Chrissy she is just helping me see my ship sail!?" He rapped his arms crossed his chest and growned. I looked at Chris and giggled, I teleport to Chris and hug him tight. 

He growned again and hugged back and mumbled something thinking that I didn't hear him but I did. "I don't want everyone to take my (N/N) away!?" He mumbled. I giggled and hugged him tighter.  Nikki started to glow neon purple and said "I have to leave so I will talk to you guys later!" And with that she was gone.

I looked at where she was with a weird look. I then felt dizzy. I lifted my hands up to hold me head and said that I was starting to glow but in a light shade where no one would know. I quietly gasped and I turned around and said "I-i have to go u-umm please excuse me!?"  Chris looked at me and shoke his head no.

I sighed and I looked at myself again and I was glowing a little bit more brighter neon purple. I made a little grown and I looked up. He looked at me mad and I  looked down but instead of seeing the red carpet of micheal's room I saw one white and a pink bunny foot with a purple glow standing infront of me.

I looked up and saw vanny she looked annoyed. I got worried as she grabbed my arms and said with a Glitchy voice "your in big trouble for being late young lady Glitchy's not happy!?" I swallowed with worries and she telaported us out of the room. 

We showed up to the pizza plex and I was face to face with a firriuse Glitchy. I looked down sad and he said "one don't be late again and two WHY WEREN'T YOU TEACHING GRAGOREY HOW TO BE A GLICH!?" he reached forward and stabbed my arm and dragged it down to my hand and I screamed for dear life in pain.

As blood tears rolled down my cheeks. I could see nikki and vanny looking away with sad looks on their faces. When Glitchy reached my hand he pulled the knife out and did the same to the other side. My arms were bleeding heavy and there was puddles of blood on the ground under my arms.

I started to feel lightheaded and dropped to the floor as my arms gushed out blood. I was slowly bleeding out. Vanny looked over with wide eyes as she saw me drop to the floor and screamed my name while running over. She bent down to my side as nikki was pulling me onto her lap.

I growned in pain in the process. I was gasping for air as my eye cite was going blurry.  I started slowly closing my eyes in pain and it was hard to keep them open. Vanny was shaking me to keep me awake.

My breathing was slowing down as I let go of vanny's hand and I slowly started to black out into the darkness as all my memories were flashing  in front of my eyes. Then all I saw was nothing but darkness, heard  nothing but a ringing noise the echoed through my ears and I felt nothing but coldness  as I layed there in the dark.

(Vanny's POV)

I looked at a limp body of (N/N) as tears dropped from my eyes. I took a deep breathe and placed my two fingers on her neck to see if I could feel a palse. I felt nothing and started freaking out more and more as I shoke her body.

Nikki suddenly looked up at Glitchy and grawled "this is the last straw you just killed your son's girlfriend he's going to hate you!?"  Glitchy looked down at (Y/N) and saw her lifeless body and started to freak out. He turned back into Willam and bent down to (N/N) he grabbed wrist and held where her palse is and felt nothing.

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