Part 3: 🍞

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We jump through the broken window before Steve falls back on me from a kick. I push him up as I see our target take off. Steve starts chasing him as I grab the shield from the wall. He runs out the door before I pass the shield off to him "You dropped this." We make it outside as Steve whispers frantically. Nat has dropped from the radar. "Nat where the hell are you?" I whisper into the comms as Steve walks ahead. I see him from the corner before Steve does. "Steve!" Thinking quickly, shoving my body in front of Steve as a shield between the two of them. Batroc kicks me hard in the chest sending me back to Steve. The force from Batroc's boot is sure to leave a bruise later. Which I might add is impressive. Though Batroc missed his target, that didn't stop him from coming at us.

I roll out of the way as his foot comes down again from one of his flips. The force of his blow leaves a dent on the steel ground. Getting to my feet I pull out one of my knives only for it to be kicked away from me by Batroc. I might be in this fight but Batroc is more focused on Steve. We all take a step back from each other. Steve doesn't take his eyes off of Batroc when he asks me "Are you ok?" I give a simple nod as Batroc looks to me "Tu as les combats de ta soeur mais tu combat pour toi?"(translate: you have your sister fight your fights?) Steve pulls off his helmet. Taking it into my hands, I whisper to him frantically "He's trying to level the playing field. You have nothing to prove to him." Pulling the leather straps from his shield, he hands it to me. "Find Nat and get the hostages out of here."

A sigh leaves me as I strap the shield to my arm. "Men and their testosterone." Before taking off to find Nat. "What are you doing?" I asked after finding her in the computer room. "What does it look like?" "It looks like Fury put you on another mission without my knowledge. Care to explain?" I reply, gritting my teeth. For being a part of the founders of SHIELD, I'm not being treated like that and it's getting on my nerves. "Fury didn't want Steve to know. So that meant you couldn't know." Nat said, glancing at me as she typed away on one of the ship's computers keyboards. "I really could care less about what errand Fury sent you on but I do care about not being told what exactly is going on my missions." Nat pulls out a flash drive from the computer "Well, that's something you need to talk about with Fury. Nice shield by the way."

I glance at the shield on my arm before back at her "Steve is trying to prove a point to Batroc." We both roll our eyes at the same time. I think this is also why Fury rarely had Steve worked on missions like these. With that thought, Steve comes crashing through the door, knocking out Batroc in the process with his fist "What are you doing Nat?" He asks as he gets to his feet. I glanced at her before back at Steve "It's ok, we needed some information. We're done now. Let's go." Nat looks between the two of us as Steve eyes me "If this is about Batroc..." Well it's better than him thinking I'm sneaking behind his back. I take off his shield by undoing the leather straps as I yell at him "You had nothing to prove to him. Why can't you just finish this fight...?!"

My sentence got cut short as Batroc threw a grenade into the room. Steve used his shield to throw the grenade in the opposite direction while grabbing Nat. Nat shoots the window that leads to another room as Steve hits it with his shield. The grenade exploded before I could jump into the other room. The fire burns my hair and part of my suit as I land in the other room. My breaths become rapid as my chest rises and falls quickly. Steve and Nat look at me with concern. I lean my head against the wall behind me as I feel a small burning sensation on my leg "I'm going to kill you both after this mission."

(shout out to @arielgaron_art and @amelielefever for helping me with the French)

Insta: bella_billnye_
Tiktok: bella_billnye

Thank you for reading!!! ❤️

The Last Roger (COMPLETED STORY)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora