Chapter Six

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Once Fury filled Rose in on the events of the day, Loki being taken, Clint coming back, and the loss of Coulson, the group decided to form a plan.

"Look, Coulson died believing that superheroes would save us," starts Fury, "I believe we honor his belief."

"But how?" questions Steve.

"Rose and Tony know about this," responds Fury, "but I created a plan called the Avengers Initiative, a few years back. The goal was to bring together a group of talented and enhanced individuals, to fight a common enemy. Today, we face that enemy."
Fury took the silence to throw a handful of cards onto the table, covered in blood. No one had to ask to know what they were, Coulson's trading cards that he never got signed. But one piqued Rose's interest, she pulled it towards her and saw her face on the card. Coulson had collected the one card of the collection that pertained to her, and she knew she had to make this right.

"Where do we start?"

The hope was that Thor survived his 30,000-foot drop and would be able to rejoin the fight when he got his bearings, the same with Banner. Tony and Rose flew to Stark Towers to confront Loki and try to shut down the portal before it opened. The rest would take a quinjet and meet them.

"Please tell me you two are here to appeal to my humanity," laughs Loki, after he saw Tony get blown back by the contraption on the roof.

"Actually, I was in the mood to threaten, how 'bout you princess?" says Tony, looking over at Rose as he walks into the room.

"Should have left your armor on for that," says Loki, his smirk of victory plastered strongly to his face.

"Yeah, it's seen better days," starts Tony as he walks behind the bar, "plus she's got some kickass tricks so I'm not too worried. You want a drink, greaseball?"

"Stalling won't stop what's coming," Loki sneers, wrapping his hand around the scepter.

"Not stalling, raven boy, threatening," teases Rose, letting her hands light up blue. This causes Loki to turn his attention to her, he wanted to see her in action before he put her under his spell.

"The Chitauri are coming, little one, and you have nothing to stop it, what have I to fear?" questions Loki, stalking his way over to her.

"The Avengers," answers Rose, "It's kinda what we call ourselves unless you're Tony then it's Fury's secret boy band. But it's like Earth's mightiest heroes, that sort of deal."

"Yes, the fools I easily took down just a few hours ago?" says Loki.

"Yeah, I'll give you that," pipes up Tony, still behind the bar, "Takes us a while to get traction. But let's do a headcount here... Your brother the demigod, twinkle fingers over there who's also a living legend, plus her living legend best friend who lives up to his legend. And then me and my genius, a man with breathtaking anger management issues, and a pair of master assassins. And you, big fella, managed to piss every single one of them off."

"That was the plan," smirks Loki, happy to see the divide in the team.

"Not a great plan," retorts Rose, "When they come, and they will, they'll come for you."
"I have an army," Loki adds, clearly not knowing when to stop.

"We have a Hulk," chides Tony, "besides you're missing the point. There is no throne, no version of this where you win. Say your army comes, say we fail, that's all on you. But if we can't protect the Earth, you'll be damn sure that we avenge it."

"How can these friends fight me," says Loki as a smirk recenters on his face, "when they're too busy fighting you two?"

Loki goes to touch his scepter to Rose's chest, but the device powers down when he tries. Confused, Loki tries on Tony, only for the same thing to happen when he touches the arc reactor in Tony's chest.

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