Galaxy 2:Welcome to Duckburg!

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The Orion Enterprise floated through the endless expanse of space. It should have been moving, however...

"So...we ran out of fuel," Jin Ronpo spoke, sitting in his captain's chair, "...Does anyone have any ideas on what to do?"

=I told you we needed to stop at the Starmax Space Station= Raptor sighed.

"Yeah...I thought we'd have enough to reach the next world and refill there..." Jin muttered, "Sorry..." he chuckled.

=...= Raptor put her clipboard down as she stood up =Baka...= she spoke simply before running at him.

"AH!" Jin panicked as she began chasing him around, "Sorry! I apologize! I'm just a young dragon!"

"He should be thankful Donald's not here..." Keith whispered as he looked out the window, hoping to see any nearby worlds, "See anything yet, Ruby?"

"Nothing yet..." she spoke, "But I got a feeling we're close...just a feeling!" she smiled, "Like that feeling when you pull a winning ticket!"

"Have you ever had to deal with running out of fuel for your ship?" Izuku asked.

"Not really. It ran off Galaxy Energy," Keith replied.

"...Galaxy Energy?" Sanji repeated in disbelief.

"Yeah! It's convenient! We always get where we need to go as long as there's Starlight!" Keith cheered, "What about you, Ruby?"

"I've run out of fuel all the time!" she cheered, "But there's always a meteor shower...a comet...a gravity pull towards a planet...the time I was sucked into a tractor beam by space pirates...nice people!"

"...Seriously?" Wolf raised a brow.

"Yep!" Ruby smiled, "It always makes adventure exciting! I never know what will happen...but it's always fun to meet random new people!"

=Yosha! That's always the best!= Champ cheered, lifting a fist in the air from where he was sitting, unknowingly lifting it at the same time Jin was running behind him, causing the dragon to be caught in his throat by the raised fist, flip around it, and land flat on his back.

"Ah...." he gasped in pain as he rolled across the ground and smacked into the control console.

=Eh...?= Raptor blinked.

=What happened to him?= Champ pondered as Izuku started giggling.

"Throat...hurt..." Jin wheezed.

"Oh, I think there are lozenges in the Excel Voyager," Keith noted as he went off to get them.

=Hmm...Even if the engine is broken, we might be able to salvage the energy converter they used for turning starlight into energy= Raptor noted before following the teen =Wait up, please, Keith=

=Wow. You must have done a lot of screaming today=, Champ noted as he helped up Jin =Were you practicing in front of a mirror for intimidation roaring as I do?=

"I...don't want to hear it from you..." he coughed out before pointing at Izuku, who had fallen over when his giggles turned into laughter from Champ's obliviousness at the moment, "...Or you..."

"Hope we find the next world...I'm ready for some adventure," Ruby whispered in excitement.

"Ahh~! Get off of me!" a voice screamed as a lone boat docked at a pier shook for a moment, scaring off some nearby seagulls.

"Hold still, Uncle Donald!"

"Goofy, help me out here!"

"Hmm?" Goofy blinked, his mouth full of food as Donald ran by, one of his nephews currently trying to get his sailor uniform off.

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