-*~ Chapter 4 ~*-

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Haechan: When my mum died, my dad started drinking more and coming home late..sometimes also bringing home a girl and making a mess.
He knew what I liked and disliked so he..brought home a whole box full of s-spiders and put them in my room..without me knowing. I came home that day and because I was exhausted I went straight to bed, not realising he put the spiders everywhere in my room..he put them in my bed, in my wardrobe, in my drawers etc. I ran to the door and tried to open..to find it was locked...i started screaming and crying and soon hyperventilating.
Luckily, one of the girls he had brought home that day, heard me and ran to the kitchen to get a knife or chopsticks or something that could open the door.
She opened it and I ran to hug and thanked her over and over again..she said it was fine and it wasn't nothing and she was just being nice. And she also told me that she only came here for me because she heard from someone that I got a-abused my dad and she wanted to help me and take me somewhere safer.
I told her that it was fine but she insisted so she took me to her house and ever since I had stayed there..still now I live with her and I'm really thankful for her..

At this point, Jaemin was crying and Renjun was calming him down while Jeno comforted Haechan.
Haechan looked up to see Jaemin crying and got worried immediately.

Haechan: J-jaeminie..why are you crying?

Jaemin jumped into Haechan's arms and Haechan rubbed his back.

Jaemin: You d-didn't deserve it...you're too special and p-precious to be treated that way..

Haechan: Noooo jaemin it's fine..I'm fine..

Jaemin looked at Haechan with a concerned face.

Haechan: Honestly I'm fine now jaem..

Jaemin nodded and got out of Haechan's hold and sat on his lap, as Renjun sat on Jeno's.

Jeno secured his hands around Renjun's waist and rested his head on Renjun's shoulder (shoulder gangster Renjun~).

Jeno: Where is your "father" now?

Haechan: He got put in jail so I think I'm safe...for now..

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⏰ Недавно обновлено: May 12, 2021 ⏰

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