Chapter 5: The exam

Start from the beginning

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We were given some cards and the pro-hero present Mic explained it to us.

"So we are being put in different sections."

"Yes,it's so that we won't work with our friends."

Y/N responded while looking at their card.

"Hey,what did you get?"

"Huh?Ah well I got center A."

I put on a sad face

"Oh..I got center B!"

"Heh well I guess we will have to do our best Solo!"

They said with a smile while putting their hand on my shoulder.


"Well that's all I had to say, Good luck and don't forget! GO PLUS ULTRA!"

Present Mic exclaimed as everyone was going to their center Y/N stoped me.

"Oi, Good luck out there and let's hope for the best!"

"Yeah, good luck!"


We were all in front of the big doors that were about to open and let us into the fake city UA created. I looked around and saw a lot of people some even with their own gear which I guess you can count me in that group too, a lot of them looked scared and nervous but the others were confident enough to know that they would make it. Finally the doors open and we all boost our selves through the door,I decided to use some tentacles to boost my self farther into the city and then I take a sharp turn to the left hoping to find some robots faster then the others.

"Come on,I need to find some robots now!"

Then I spot a 2 pointer close enough for me to take my bow and create an arrow out of black liquid,as I was about to sent the arrow flying to the robot when he turned his head to look at me with a frightening speed,as it was about to run to me I sent the arrow right in it's face while backing away a little bit.

"Good,that gives me 2 point."

And after that I started checking a lot of spots from the city,at one point I even started to fly with Polar to make it was easier I should have thought about that from the start.
I was still in the air flying with me on Polars back.

"If I can find more pointers then that would raise my changes of getting in UA."

And then I saw it,the most lucky shot I could have had,three 3 pointers and a 1 pointer and a 2 pointer!


I screamed as I got down from Polars back and made five arrows to try and shoot them all,I already had 43 points and had only Les then 3 more minutes left. As I charged my arrow to sent them flying I close my eyes ready to sent them and be catched by Polar again and so it happened I sent my arrows right at them
and as I was falling Polar grabbed me by my clothes and put me down onto the ground.

"Yeah that makes about 55 point-"

But I only catched three of them two of the 3 pointers and the 1 pointer.

"wait but,how?"

As I looked up only to see the blonde kid that bullied Midorya ten months ago.


"Are you seriously worried about that? I could have harmed you really bad while my arrows were flying twords the robots!"

"What so you're worried about me now?!"

"Well shouldn't I?!"

"Ha!No,you should worry about yourself here fox face!"

I really did not have time for this and so I just walked passed him.


I walked into an alleyway that got me into another part of the city.


I was searching for more robots,I only had 50 points and I don't know how much will that get me.After some walking I could hear a loud explosion and then the earth stared to crumble and Polar pulled me aside and protect me with her wings,oh yeah I forgot that she was still here. After everything calmed down I could hear someone let out a scream of pain,they were close so I ran twords where the sound was coming from, finally I got there and saw a red haired girl with a ponytail on the ground, her legs were stuck because of some remaining from a building.

"Hey it's ok I'm here!"

She looked up at me with a surprised look on her face.

"What surprised to see someone help you ?"

"Yeah, didn't know someone would hear me."

"Yeah,well I was close enough to hear ,now grab my arms so that i can get you out of here."

She did as I said and I sent Polar To grab some of the things that were making her legs stuck. After that I pulled her up and carried her into an alleyway.

"Here,stay still."

I said as my hand started glowing with black liquid,I put it on the scratches that she had on her left leg and then moved it to the right leg.


"Here it should help your legs to get better,but I will recommend visiting the nurse office after the exam it could be of more help."

"Thank you! I'm Itsuka Kendo but please,call me Kendo!"

"Sure,I'm Y/N Kaiumayu,Nice to meet you Kendo!"


"Hm,well I guess we're gonna have to catch up another time,I will try and visit you in the nurses office after the exam."


She got up and I did too and we separated ways,I tried to look for more robots to get more points but it was no use.


"Great,we'll at least I still got 50 points at least to put me in 10th or 11th place."
Ok well this was chapter 5 another very long one and I'm very sorry if it had mistakes in it.
But anyways thank you very much for reading my story and I will see you in another chapter! :]

Word count:1559

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